Wess Wessling's Coast Guard Patches
Scroll down for adventures in Coast Guard unit patches!
Here's my web store and links to my illustrated Archive of a thousand plus Coast Guard patches!
Also, Wess' BookLinks, patch collecting Gateways and Patch Makers!
wwesslin@ix.netcom.com --- 08/06/2024 23:48:40
A small shipping and handling charge provides delivery anywhere in the world by regular airmail delivery.
Include appropriate additional amounts if you want insurance and/or priority/express mail.
To order by check, money order or cash (cash is at your risk),
send your order with the quantity, unit name, 'W' number and price of each patch
you want from these pages to my address below. Include your return address.
Add $1.25 to your order for shipping and handling.
Add an additional $1.00 to your order for insurance, if desired.
To order using PayPal, use the shopping cart button near each item.
A small shipping and handling charge will be added to each order.
I accept credit cards only through PayPal payments.
* - Patch is obsolete. Unit has moved, been decommisioned or has a more current design.
Check eBay
for other, older, one-of-a-kind Coast Guard patches offered at auction.
Here's an On Scene Commander to help you search my store and archives:
The Patches List: |
I only document, collect, buy, sell, trade, and broker US Coast Guard embroidered patches.
If you need a leather name tag (aviation, afloat or ashore) or a uniform name tape, try these guys.
And here's the best place to find old Coast Guard shipmates and friends and links to memories of long ago (or not so long ago!)
Here is my archive of Coast Guard patches.
Wess' Coast Guard Patch List
These Coast Guard patches are available, as of the date shown on each list section.
This is my most current, most complete, most descriptive list.
I list several hundred patches, illustrating most of them.
Here's an example.
I sometimes have additional items available at auction on
Use search words - Coast Guard patch -
Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Patches may be returned for any reason.
Here are the sections of my list :
Recent additions to the list and general Coast Guard patches
Cutters (law enforcement vessels, icebreakers and buoytenders)
Air Stations & related commands / programs
Stations, groups, etc. (Search and rescue & Law enforcement)
MSOs, Districts, and everything else
I also documented Coast Guard patches with:
PATCHES OF THE U.S. COAST GUARD : An Illustrated Register
Five published volumes are no longer available and out of print:
Here's where you can talk to me now ! by using your emailer to wwesslin@ix.netcom.com
.+*PAGE TOP* *Recent/General* *Cutters* *Aviation* *Stations* *Others* *BOOKS+.
That's All, Folks ... so far!
Page created by: wwesslin@ix.netcom.com
Rex M. Wessling
15706 NE 56th Way
Redmond, Washington
Copyright © 1998-2024