Wess Wessling's
United States Coast Guard
Patch Archive

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Patches shown on this page are NOT for sale.
These are just memories.
If a patch shown here is available for sale,
I offer it in my own online web store.
Return to type/states table.

- CGC ALDER, 3.4", screened, San Francisco?, before 2024, (W6255=)
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- CGC BARATARIA, San Francisco, -1969?, (W3613=)
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- CGC BERTHOLF, coat of arms, merrowed, Alameda, -2008-, (W4908=)
- CGC BERTHOLF, 4", coat of arms, unhilited laser cut edge, before 2014, (W5399=)
- CGC BERTHOLF, 3.4", coat of arms, hilited laser cut edge, before 2022, (W6050=)
- CGC BERTHOLF, 3.5", coat of arms, screened, merrowed, before 2024, (W6261=)
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- CGC BOUTWELL, oval, bridge, Alameda, 1990s, (W3380=)
- CGC BOUTWELL, seal/bridge, -1992-2002-, (W2605=)
- Aviation Detachment CG-6533, Neither Here Nor There ... To South America and Back, Again, and Again, and Again, (CGC BOUTWELL), 2002-, (W3906=)
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- CGC RUSH, 3 trident shield, Alameda, before 1984, (W0424=)
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- CGC CAPE HEDGE, Alameda, before 1963?, (W4890=)
- CGC CAPE HEDGE ... see also at Morro Bay
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- CGC GRESHAM, gold dragon, Alameda, 1960s, (W0324=)
- CGC GRESHAM, white dragon, 1967/68 Vietnam cruise, (W0323) (date courtesy of Paul Hampson)
- CGC GRESHAM, Quartermasters, triangle, 1967/68 Vietnam cruise, (W4974=)
- CGC GRESHAM, Quartermasters, octagon, 1967/68 Vietnam cruise, (W6207=)
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- CGC MIDGETT, cutter right, Alameda, early 1980s, (W0359=) (courtesy of RMCS Pete Westerberg, USCG(Ret))
- CGC MIDGETT, cutter left, with gun, yellow merrowing, before 1985, (W0772=)
- CGC MIDGETT, cutter left, without gun, metallic gold merrowing, before 1983, (W0041=)
- CGC MIDGETT, ALPAT, before 1985, (W1223=)
- CGC MIDGETT, rectangle, eagle with eyes, white letters, before 1984, (W0543=)
- CGC MIDGETT, rectangle, blind eagle, black shadowed letters, before 1990, (W2250=)
- CGC MIDGETT, rectangle, blind eagle, white letters, 1980s?, (W5884=)
- Two of the rectangle CGC MIDGETT patches compared.
- CGC MIDGETT, seal w/ship, @1986-, (W2617=)
- CGC MIDGETT, seal/bridge, -1992-2002-, (W2583=)
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- CGC MORGENTHAU, 5"wx6.5"h shield, Alameda, after 1977?, (W9613=)
- CGC MORGENTHAU, 80% embroidered on white surface embroidered cloth, ornage chevron bar and banner, cheesecloth back, before 1990, (W2375)
- CGC MORGENTHAU, 80% embroidered, dull gold bar and banner, cheesecloth back, -1990-, (W2266=)
- CGC MORGENTHAU, 100% embroidered, orange bar and banner, -1998-, (W3330)
- CGC MORGENTHAU, 80% embroidered, olive bar and banner, non-woven back, -2002-, (W3864=)
- CGC MORGENTHAU, seal/bridge, -1992-2002-, (W2590=)
- CGC MORGENTHAU, 3" coat of arms, before 2012, (W5259=)
- CGC MORGENTHAU, Engineering, three rating symbols, 1992-, (W2531=)
- CGC MORGENTHAU, Engineering, bull, 1998-, (W3321)
- CGC MORGENTHAU CPO Mess, correct 'WHEC', 1998-, (W3372)
- CGC MORGENTHAU CPO Mess, 'WAEC' constant error, 1998?, (W4346=)
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- CGC MUNRO, Medal of Honor & gray sails, Alameda, -1990-, (W2318=)
- CGC MUNRO, seal/bridge, -1992-2002-, (W2571=)
- CGC MUNRO, Medal of Honor & black sails, 1997-, (W3200=)
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- CGC POINT WINSLOW, cutter on California map, Yerba Buena Island, -1976-, (W6054=) (courtesy of Peter Radzinski)
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- CGC RUSH, Vietnam, Alameda, 1970-1971, (W3927)(courtesy of Eric Newpher)
- CGC RUSH, 3 thin tridents shield, black hilited bird, thick stars, Alameda, California, before 1984, (W0424=)
- CGC RUSH, 3 thick tridents shield, no hilites on bird, skinny stars, before 1985, (W1250=)
- CGC RUSH, ornate shield, before 1984, (W9544=)
- CGC RUSH, 5.7"w polar bear, before 1984 (1979?), (W9555=)
- CGC RUSH, 4.6"w polar bear, -1982-, (W0018=)
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- CGC SHERMAN, blue cut edge shield, cheesecloth back, Alameda, -1970-, (W0433=) (courtesy of Richard Ames)
- CGC SHERMAN, blue cut edge shield, 100% embroidered, 1970s?, (W1061=)
- The two above shield CGC SHERMAN patches compared.
- CGC SHERMAN, blue merrowed shield, before 1984, (W0807)
- CGC SHERMAN, round, before 1987, (W1579=)
- CGC SHERMAN, cut-to-shape shield, -1991-, (W2356=)
- CGC SHERMAN, white shield, -1993-, (W2743=)
- CGC SHERMAN, seal/bridge, -1992-2002-, (W2569=)
- CGC SHERMAN, Order of Magellan, 2001, (W3542=)
- CGC SHERMAN, shield, -2003-, (W3984=)
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- CGC STRATTON, coat of arms, Alameda, 2011-, (W5141=)
- CGC STRATTON, scenic Atlantic, 2011-, (W5152=)
- CGC STRATTON, AVDET 18-12 with CGC STEADFAST, gambler, 2019?, (W5951=)
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- CGC TANEY, machine sewn shield, Alameda, mid-1960s, (W0456=) - museum ship reproduction, computer sewn shield, Baltimore, Maryland, 2014-, (W0456xA=)
- CGC WAESCHE, 3.9", dark blue border band, coat of arms, -2013-, (W5326=)
- CGC WAESCHE, 3.4", purple border band, coat of arms, before 2024, (W6245=)
- CGC WAESCHE, Connecticut Rivers Council, BSA 2013 National Jamboree, 2013, (W5586=)
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- Electronic Support Unit Alameda, -1996-2002-, (W3007=)
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- Integrated Support Command Alameda, -2002-, (W3860=)
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- Pacific Area Training Team, 5", Alameda, 2004- (W4132=)
- Pacific Area Training Team, 3.5", -2007- (W4554=)
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- Support Center Alameda, pointy fingers, before 1984, (W0169=)
- Support Center Alameda, rounded fingers, before 1988, (W1890=)
- SupCen Alameda's two 'fingers' patches are compared here.
- Support Center Alameda, Engineering Division, (W3382=)
- Support Center Alameda, Security, small shield, -1988-, (W1727=)
- [Support Center Alameda], Coast Guard Island Security Police, shield, 1990s?, (W5696=)
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- Training Center Alameda, 4", fat CG stripe shield in round, 1970s?, (W0986=)
- Training Center Alameda, 3", thin CG stripe shield in round, before 1982, (W0986=)
- Training Center Alameda Band, 1970s, (W2398)
- [Training Center Alameda] Band, 4.9" round, light blue, before 1984, (W0162=)
- Training Center Alameda Band, 1981-1982, (W3732) (courtesy of Michael Kilgore)
- [Training Center Alameda], Bull of the Run, -1988-, (W1799=)
- Training Center Alameda Honor Guard, white on black, -1963-, (W3758) (courtesy of Scotty Poling)
- Training Center Alameda Honor Guard, black on white, -1963-, (W3761) (courtesy of Scotty Poling)
- [Training Center Alameda] Honor Guard, 4.9" round, light blue, -1970s?-, (W0161=)
- [Training Center] Alameda Honor Guard, 5.1" round, light blue, -1970s?-, (W2404=)
- [Training Center] Alameda Honor Guard, 5" round, aqua blue, before 1982, (W6111=)
- TraCen Alameda Honor Guard's two round patches are compared here.
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- Training and Supply Center Alameda, Island of Pride, 1960s?, (W0836=)
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- Coast Guard Island [Alameda], W3A Conclave, Scouting event, 8"h, 1989, (W9950=)
- Coast Guard Island [Alameda], W3A Conclave, pocket hanger, 1989, (W4525)
- W-3S Conclave 2015, cutter, [Coast Guard Island, Alameda], pocket hanger, red merrowing, 2015, (W6319=)
- W-3S Conclave 2015, cutter, [Coast Guard Island, Alameda], pocket hanger, yellow merrowing, 2015, (W6320=)
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- Alameda, Twelfth District ... see Twelfth District below
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- Western Inspector, [Alameda?], 1960s?, (W4574=) (courtesy of Coast Guard Museum/Northwest, Seattle)
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- Coast Guard Island Security Police, shield, 1990s?, (W5696=)
- Coast Guard Island [Alameda], W3A Conclave, Scouting event, 8"h, 1989, (W9950)
- Coast Guard Island [Alameda], W3A Conclave, pocket hanger, 1989, (W4525)
- See also at Pacific
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- Air Station Arcata/Group Humboldt Bay, helo on cap shield, Arcata, before 1984, (W2144=)
- Air Station Arcata/Group Humboldt Bay, helo on hoist basket, thin letters, before 1984, (W0815=)
- Air Station Arcata/Group Humboldt Bay, helo on hoist basket, thick letters, -1984, (W0129=)
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- CGC POINT CHICO, cap shield, single-line boom, Bodega Bay, California, 1980s?, (W5957=)
- CGC POINT CHICO, cap shield, two-line boom, before 1994, (W2802=)
- Here are the two POINT CHICO cap shield patches compared.
- CGC POINT CHICO, round, 1994-, (W2811=)
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- Station Bodega Bay, 5.7" round, white merrowing, 1988-, (W1762=)
- Station Bodega Bay, 4.4" round, black merrowing, before 2010, (W6330=)
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- CAMSPAC (NMC) [Communication Station San Francisco], 200 Years of Service, Point Reyes, 1990-, (W2217=)
- CAMSPAC, [Communication Area Master Station Pacific], 4", Point Reyes Station, -2009-, (W4848) (courtesy of Tim Saunders)
- See also Communication Station San Francisco, below
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- Station Carquinez, bear, 1997-, (W3175=)
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- [Station] Channel Island Harbor, SAR boat and lighthouse, 1980s?, (W2199=)
- [Station] Channel Islands, SAR boat, before 1985, (W0785)
- Station Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard, 1994-, (W2814=)
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- Colorado River Patrol, shield, San Diego?, 1987-, (W0994=)
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- Marine Safety Detachment Concord, before 1988, (W1793)
- Port Safety Station Concord, round, 1966?-, (W1070=)
- Port Safety Station Concord, shield, rough, 1980s?, (W2409=)
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- Corona del Mar - see at Newport Beach
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- CGC CAPE CARTER, round, Crescent City, -1973-, (W3499=)
- CGC CAPE CARTER, oval with arc and rocker, before 1982?, (W6174=)
- CGC CAPE CARTER, triangle, before 1982, (W0210=)
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- CGC DORADO, Crescent City, 2002-, (W3892=)
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- CGC EDISTO, Lucky Eddie, Crescent City, 1987-, (W1953=)
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- Boating Safety Team Eleven, round, Los Angeles?, 1970s?, (W1195=)
- Boating Safety Team Eleven, shield, Los Angeles?, 1970s?, (W2046=)
- Boating Safety Detachment 11-4, knight chess piece, 1970s?, (W5298=)
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- Eleventh District, Boating Safety, San Diego, 1970s?, (W4788)
- Eleventh District, Auxiliary, Northern Region, 1990s-, (W2563)
- Eleventh District, Auxiliary, blazer, -1985-, (W0767)
- Eleventh District Operations Center, 1993-, (W2712=)
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- Fleet Reserve Assn, Br 270, Escondido, ?, (W4596)
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- CGC COMANCHE, shield, merrowed edge, Eureka, 1970s, (W0218=)
- CGC COMANCHE, shield, cut edge, 1970s, (W6165=)
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- CGC ACUSHNET, coat of arms, cut edge, Eureka, -1992-1998, (W2548=)
- CGC ACUSHNET, coat of arms, merrowed, 1998-, (W3275=)
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- CGC CLOVER, shamrock, Eureka, before 1984, (W0212=)
- CGC CLOVER, figure with pipe, 1984-, (W0181=)
- CGC CLOVER, Officer's cap shield, date?, (W5372=)
- CGC CLOVER, Chief's cap shield, date?, (W5368=)
- CGC CLOVER, Coast Guard logo cap shield, date?, (W4277=)
- CLOVER's three cap shield patches are compared here.
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- CGC EDISTO, Guardians of the Redwood Coast, Eureka, 1994-, (W2841=)
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- CGC SAPELO, Eureka, California, early 1990s, (W3341=)
- CGC SAPELO, mid-1990s, (W5939=)
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- CGC AVOYEL, Eureka (Fields Landing), 1968-1969, (W1357=) (courtesy of Sam Giuliani)
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- CGC POINT LEDGE, cap shield, Fort Bragg, California, before 1984, (W0395=)
- CGC POINT LEDGE, round, before 1993, (W2739=)
- CGC POINT LEDGE, football shape, 1994-1995, (W2754=)
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- Station Fort Bragg, round, before 1993, (W2739=)
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- ACV/MLB Unit Fort Point, oval, San Francisco, before 1985, (W1372=)
- Station Fort Point, Body Snatchers, 1980s?, (W5793=)
- Station Fort Point, Final Crew, round, 1989, (W1588=)
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- Golden Gate District ... see Twelfth District
- Station Golden Gate, 44' Second to None, Sausalito, 1993-, (W2661=)
- Station Golden Gate, 47' Guardians of the Gate, -2002-, (W3917) (courtesy of Tim Saunders)
- Station Golden Gate, 47' round red bridge, -2006-, (W4431) (courtesy of Tim Saunders)
- Station Golden Gate, 47' crossed oars, 2022-, (W6016=)
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- Hollywood Liaison Office, Motion Pictures and Television, early 1980s?, (W5264) (courtesy of Tim Saunders)
- - See also on this page 'Liaison Office' and 'Motion Picture and Television Office'
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- Aids to Navigation Team Humboldt Bay, McKinleyville, striped lighthouse, 1993-1997, (W2657=)
- Aids to Navigation Team Humboldt Bay, unstriped lighthouse, 1997-, (W3215=)
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- Humboldt Bay, Group Station Air Station WPBs, machine sewn, horizontally sewn tree, California state shape, -1983-1984-, (W0133=)
- Humboldt Bay, Group Station Air Station WPBs, computer sewn, vertically sewn tree, California state shape, -1990-, (W2169=)
- The two Humboldt Bay state shape patches are compared here.
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- Air Station Humboldt Bay, boat, 2 helos, light, wings, McKinleyville, -1984-, (W0130=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, HH-3 in gray hoist basket, machine sewn, 1985-, (W0653=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, HH-3 in gray hoist basket, computer sewn, -1988-, (W1828=)
- The two Air Station Humboldt Bay HH-3 in gray hoist basket patches are compared here.
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, large yellow merrowed, green background skull, orange helo w/white frames, 1998-2000, (W3315=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, large yellow merrowed, green background skull, red helo with turbine vanes and black frames, 2005-, (W4302=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, large yellow merrowed, green background skull, red helo without turbine vanes and black frames, 2005-, (W4411)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, large green merrowed, yellow background skull, orange helo with white frames, 2000-, (W3491=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, small 2.9"wx2.9"h, yellow merrowed, green background skull, red helo with turbine vanes and black frames, 2005-, (W4311=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, small 3.8"wx4"h, yellow merrowed, green background skull, large lettering, -2006-, (W4435=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, small 3.5"wx4"h, yellow merrowed, green background skull, small lettering, before 2024, (W6252=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, small 4"wx4"h, yellow merrowed, green background skull, large lettering, 2016-, (W5556=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, HH-65 flying off coast, gradient border band, no motto, ((unsealed back - 1989- : W2041=) - (sealed back - mid-1990s?- : W5019=))
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, HH-65 flying off coast, yellow border band, motto at bottom, 4.4" wide, sealed back, 2003-, (W4017=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, HH-65 flying off coast, yellow border band, motto at bottom, 4" wide, unsealed back, -2006-, (W4441=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, HH-65 flying off coast, yellow border band, motto at top, bold yellow, @2004?, (W4654=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, HH-65 flying off coast, yellow border band, motto at top, pale yellow, @2004?, (W5003=)
- The four Air Station Humboldt Bay HH-65 flying off coast patches are compared here.
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, Hawkeye Award, four ratings and helo above tail, before 1985, (W0630=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, Hawkeye Award, five ratings above tail, 2005-, (W4300=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, In Memory of Big Daddy Caines, memorial, 1997, (W3240=)
- Air Station Humboldt Bay, three accidents, Memorial, 2005-, (W4400=)
- [Air Station Humboldt Bay Rescue Swimmer], 5", AST Lost Coast, 2006-, (W4439=)
- [Air Station Humboldt Bay Rescue Swimmer], 4", AST Lost Coast, 2011, (W5129=)
- [Air Station] Hum[boldt] Bay Rescue Swimmer], Sasquatch on shark, 2020- (W5873=)
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- Group Humboldt Bay / Air Station Arcata, helo on hoist basket, thin letters, before 1984, (W0815=)
- Group Humboldt Bay / Air Station Arcata, helo on hoist basket, thick letters, -1984, (W0129=)
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- Humboldt Bay, before 1979, (W1171=)
- Group Humboldt Bay, helo/one boat, 1996-, (W3008=)
- Group Humboldt Bay, helo/two boats, small map, before 1999, (W5926=)
- Group Humboldt Bay, helo/two boats, large map, 2003-, (W4021=)
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- Sector Humboldt Bay, green background skull, McKinleyville, before 2024, (W6283=)
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- Station Humboldt Bay, CG-44578, before 1985, (W0556=)
- Station Humboldt Bay, truncated triangle, -1990-, (W2308=)
- Station Humboldt Bay, round, SAR boat in surf, 1996-, (W3076=)
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- Huntington Beach, Auxiliary Flotilla 5, Save Serve and Protect, before 2019, (W5808=)
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- Station Lake Tahoe, round with boat on map, before 1989, (W2101=)
- Station Lake Tahoe, shield with lake monster, 1993-, (W2687=)
- Station Lake Tahoe, round with lake monster, 1993-, (W2691=)
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- Liaison Office, Motion Pictures and Television, camera and units, before 1989, (W1879=)
- - See also on this page 'Hollywood Liaison Office' and 'Motion Picture and Television Office'
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- USS BURTON ISLAND, 5", Long Beach, before 1966, (W2520=) : reproduction, 4.5", -2014-, (W2520xA=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, cut edge shield, scraggly bear, 1967/68-, (W1085=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, merrowed shield, red-eyed penguins, detailed polar bear, @1972?, (W5723=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, merrowed shield, red-eyed penguins, no details polar bear, -1977-, (W0265=) (courtesy of Ronald Bradley)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, merrowed shield, black-eyed penquins, -1978, (W0043=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, vulture, Deepfreeze 71, 1971, (W1613=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, Arctic Summer West 73, 1973, (W0254=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, Deep Freeze 1973, 1974, (W0239=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, AVDET 37, Mac's Gross, Deep Freeze 1973, 1974, (W1550=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, [Arctic] Summer West 74, 1974, (W0610=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, AvDet 46, Arctic Summer West 74, 1974, (W1513=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, Pine Island Bay Antarctica, 1975, (W0612=)
- Point Barrow, AK & McMurdo, Antarctica, associated with BURTON ISLAND voyages of 1974/75, (W1112= and W1113=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, Arctic West 75, 1975, (W0268=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, Deep Freeze 1975, 1975, (W0611)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, Deep Freeze 1976, 1976, (W0069=) : '1996' error (W0069e1=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, Deep Freeze 1977, 30 Years of Polar Service, blue cloth sky, 1977, (W0253=) (courtesy of Ronald Bradley)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, Deep Freeze 1977, 30 Years of Polar Service, embroidered blue sky, 1977?, (W0619=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, Deep Freeze 1977, Det[achment] 62, 1977, (W1539=) (courtesy of J. Boles)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, Engineering 77-78, 1978, (W6218=)
- CGC BURTON ISLAND, Polar Diver, 1970s, (W6159=)
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- CGC GLACIER, white hull, 5", no stripe, guns, open back, Long Beach, 1966-, (W1119=) : reproduction, sealed back, 1999-, (W3457=)
- CGC GLACIER, From Pole to Pole, 7" 67-68, 1968, (W1120=)
- CGC GLACIER, From Pole To Pole, red sections, 1970s, (W0318=)
- CGC GLACIER, From Pole To Pole, Coast Guard stripe sections, 1970s, (W2823=)
- [CGC GLACIER], Ice Worms, -1968?-, (W9699=)
- CGC GLACIER, HC-5, Detachment 103, Glacier Airways, Deep Freeze 1968-69, 1969, (W6203=)
- CGC GLACIER, Deep Freeze 68-69, Marine Science, 1969, (W2464)
- CGC GLACIER, AVDET 5, Deep Freeze 1969, 1970, (W1488=)
- CGC GLACIER, 4.9", From Pole To Pole, 1970s, (W0318=)
- CGC GLACIER, Ootaw, before 1978, (W0319=)
- CGC GLACIER, AVDET 60, AW76, 1976, (W1515) (courtesy of Joe Manjone)
- CGC GLACIER, [Aviation] Det[achment] 64, Arctic West Summer '77, Nushroom Patrol, 1977, (W0321=)
- CGC GLACIER, AVDET 67, DF-78, Darth Vader, 1978, (W0320=)
- CGC GLACIER, Deep Freeze 78, 1979, (W0315=)
- CGC GLACIER, Deep Freeze 79, 1979, (W5878=)
- CGC GLACIER, Deep Freeze 80, 1980, (W0314=)
- CGC GLACIER, 25th, Deep Freeze 1982, before 1984, (W0313=)
- CGC GLACIER, red hull, banner away from smoke, 3.8", before 1986, (W1701=)
- CGC GLACIER, red hull, banner almost touches smoke, 4", -1985-, (W0692=)
- CGC GLACIER, red hull, heavy hilites, 5", before 1984-, (W0317=)
- CGC GLACIER, DF85, 1985-, (W0712=)
- CGC GLACIER, AVDET 104, Deep Freeze 1985, (W5965=)
- CGC GLACIER, Master Chief Petty Officer cap shield, before 2016, (W5538=)
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- CGC MINNETONKA, Pride of the White Elephants, Long Beach, 1966, (W9974=)
- CGC MINNETONKA, 180th Meridian, 1967, (W4558=) (courtesy of Donald 'Bud' Scelsa)
- CGC MINNETONKA, coat of arms, -1968-, (W0360=) (courtesy of Stan Albrechtsen)
- CGC MINNETONKA, gear, -1974, (W3898)
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- CGC POINT EVANS, computer sewn cap shield, Long Beach, before 1989, (W2112=)
- CGC POINT EVANS, Commitment to Excellence, before 1990, (W2220=)
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- CGC PONTCHARTRAIN, round, Long Beach, 1965-, (W1116=) (courtesy of Scotty Poling)
- CGC PONTCHARTRAIN, Vietnam, 1970, (W9583=) (cut from windbreaker - not a patch)
- CGC PONTCHARTRAIN, shield, before 1973, (W0417=)
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- Long Beach Chapter, Chief Petty Officers Association, (W3313=)
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- Group/Marine Safety Office Long Beach/Los Angeles, 7", -1988-, (W9986)
- Group/Marine Safety Office Long Beach/Los Angeles, 5", -1988-, (W1699=)
- Group/Marine Safety Office Long Beach/Los Angeles, anchor chain ship, gray scroll, cutter, lighthouse, 1995-, (W2906=)
- Group/Marine Safety Office Long Beach/Los Angeles, anchor rope ship, tan scroll, cutter, lighthouse, before 2006, (W4442=)
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- Station Long Beach/Los Angeles, shark shield, -1992-, (W2568)
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- CGC HAMILTON, coat of arms, Los Angeles, -1991-1997-, (W2534=)
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- CGC POINT CAMDEN, no motto, machine sewn, Los Angeles, 1986-, (W0902=)
- CGC POINT CAMDEN, Pride Makes the Difference, computer sewn, -1990-, (W2323)
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- Aids to Navigation Team Los Angeles/Long Beach, white border, buoys at the sides, 1992-, (W2597=)
- Aids to Navigation Team Los Angeles/Long Beach, orange border, dayboards at the sides, 2001-, (W3702=)
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- Air Station Los Angeles, eagle, oval with wings outies, 1960s?, (W6327=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, eagle, oval with wings and tail outies, 1960s?, (W6029=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, eagle, all within oval, before 1974, (W0675=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, First With FLIR, 1970s?, (W4032=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, rectangle, 1970s?, (W4027)
- Air Station Los Angeles, Silver Anniversary, thick 'Anniversary', sealed back, 1987, (W1788=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, Silver Anniversary, thin 'Anniversary', unsealed back, 1987, (W3903=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, palm tree, machine sewn, greenish cast, -1985-, (W0637=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, palm tree, computer sewn, bright yellow vertically sewn, before 1989, (W2032=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, palm tree, computer sewn, bright yellow horizontally sewn, -2006-, (W4409=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, helo over Hollywood sign, wide border band, colors, 2009-, (W4910=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, helo over Hollywood sign, wide border band, subdued jungle green, before 2017, (W6325=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, helo over Hollywood sign, narrow border band, -2018-, (W5659=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, 50th Anniversary, 2012, (W5911=)
- Air Station Los Angeles, Hollywood's Last Heroes, before 2016, (W5801=)
- Air Station Los Angeles Rescue Swimmer, swimmer on shark, rich blue merrowing, 1995-1999, (W2935=)
- Air Station Los Angeles Rescue Swimmer, swimmer on shark, orange merrowing, 1999-, (W3418=)
- Air Station Los Angeles Rescue Swimmer, swimmer on shark, dark blue merrowing, 2007-, (W4583=)
- The two Air Station blue Rescue Swimmer patches compared.
- -
- Boating Safety Team Eleven, round, Los Angeles?, 1970s?, (W1195)
- Boating Safety Team Eleven, shield, Los Angeles?, 1970s?, (W2046)
- -
- Maritime Safety and Security Team 91103 (Los Angeles), subdued navy blue / pewter, 2009-, (W4905=)
- Maritime Safety and Security Team 91103 (Los Angeles), subdued desert, 2009-, (W4922=)
- Maritime Safety and Security Team 91103 (Los Angeles), subdued jungle green, 2011-, (W5076=)
- -
- Port Safety Station Los Angeles/Long Beach, PSSTA LA-LB, -1986-, (W0940=)
- -
- Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach, Boarding Team, before 2023, (W4193=)
- -
- Station Los Angeles, badge shield, 1987-, (W1021=)
- Station Los Angeles/Long Beach, shark shield, -1992-, (W2568=)
- -
- Station Mare Island, lettered shield, Gateway to the Delta, Alameda (Vallejo), 1970s?, (W5722=)
- Station Mare Island, SAR boat, Gateway to the Delta, 1970s?, (W6213=)
- Station Mare Island, 33001, before 1985, (W0789=) (courtesy of Joe Conner, USCG(Ret))
- Station Mare Island, unicorn on map, -1977-, (W0618) (courtesy of Tim Saunders)
- Station Mare Island, 41368, Guardian of the North Bay, 1993-, (W2704=) (design by HS3 (then SN) Stephen M. Cantu)
- -
- CGC HALIBUT, BMCS Terrell Horne memorial, rubber, Marina Del Rey, before 2018, (W5653=)
- -
- CGC POINT BRIDGE, knight's helmet, Marina Del Rey, -1990-, (W2276=)
- CGC POINT BRIDGE, cutter, 1995-, (W2884=)
- -
- Loran Station Middletown, 6.4" round, early 1980s?, (W9653=)
- Loran Station Middletown, snake and pink sky, no star on chest, before 1984, (W0571=)
- Loran Station Middletown, snake and red sky, star on chest, -1988-, (W1849=)
- Loran Station Middletown, 8290 Control, shooting guns, 1994-, (W2854=)
- Loran Station Middletown, snake on building with balloon, 2009-, (W4832=)
- -
- CGC LAMAR, Monterey, -1969, (W0342=)
- -
- CGC POINT BARROW, Monterey, before 1984, (W0385=)
- -
- Group/Station Monterey, three boats and tree, before 1984, (W1151=)
- Group Monterey, two boats and lighthouse, early 1980s, (W1313=)
- -
- Reserve Unit Monterey, 1980s?, (W4865=)
- -
- Station/Group Monterey, three boats and tree, before 1984, (W1151=)
- Station Monterey, 47224 and sea otter, 2012-, (W5246=)
- -
- CGC CAPE HEDGE, Morro Bay, 1970s?, (W4028=) (courtesy of David H. Lyon, CDR, USCG(Ret))
- CGC CAPE HEDGE, cap shield, red tipped stack with awning frame, 1970s?, (W5568=)
- CGC CAPE HEDGE, cap shield, yellow tipped stack with awning frame, 1980s?, (W1548=)
- The two CAPE HEDGE cap shield patches compared.
- CGC CAPE HEDGE, cap shield, yellow tipped stack without an awning frame, 1980s?, (W5804=)
- CGC CAPE HEDGE ... see also at Alameda
- -
- CGC POINT HEYER, oval, multicolor name and homeport, Morro Bay, 1993-1995, (W2728=)
- CGC POINT HEYER, oval, black name, 1995, (W2877=)
- -
- SARDET Morro Bay, 1997-2000, (W3163=)
- -
- Station Morro Bay, round on crossed oars, 2000-, (W3597=)
- -
- Motion Picture and Television Office, 2005?, (W4517=)
- - See also on this page 'Hollywood Liaison Office' and 'Liaison Office'
- -
- CGC POINT DIVIDE, round, Newport Beach, Corona del Mar, -1980-, (W0389) (courtesy of Stephen Dowdy)
- CGC POINT DIVIDE, cap shield, before 1989, (W2104=)
- -
- NMC - see Communication Station San Francisco below
- -
- Auxiliary Flotilla 113-03-09, Thirty Niners, North Valley, 2011-, (W5145=)
- -
- Station Noyo River, map, 1996-, (W3058=)
- Station Noyo River, SAR Dog, 1996-, (W3047=)
- -
- Civil Engineering Unit Oakland, -2003-, (W3951=)
- -
- CGC POINT HOBART, cutter, round, Oceanside, early 1990s?, (W5868=)
- CGC POINT HOBART, Simpsons, Dohhh!, 1995-, (W2960=)
- CGC POINT HOBART, cutter, 1995-, (W2955=)
- -
- CGC POINT CARREW, Oxnard, 1997-, (W3181=)
- -
- Maintenance and Logistics Command Pacific, Alameda, -1988-2002-, (W1933=)
- -
- Maritime Defense Zone Pacific, -1984-2002-, (W1707)
- -
- MIFC PAC/A>, Germanic skull, -2023-, (W6236=)
- -
- Pacific Area, 3" round, half globe, -1990-, (W1623=)
- Pacific Area PSU Det Guantanamo, 50% embroidered, thin sword, 2003-2004-, (W4724) (courtesy of CAPT Jack Laufer, USCGR)
- Pacific Area PSU Det Guantanamo, 100% embroidered, fat sword, before 2007, (W4639=)
- Pacific Area Law Enforcement, 100% embroidered rectangle, before 1983, (W0740=)
- Pacific Area Law Enforcement, 60% embroidered rectangle, 1990s?, (W1803=)
- Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team , machine sewn, zigzag map lines, before 1985, (W0648=)
- Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team , computer sewn, straight map lines, before 1988, (W1905=)
- Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement, 1995-, (W2908=)
- [Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team, LEDET] 101, The Gentlemen's Team, round, before 2015, (W5486=)
- Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team, LEDET] 101, The Gentlemen's Team, eight point round, 2023, (W6122=)
- [Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team 101], bust on red 'X' on 8-pt 'snowflake', before 2015, (W5490=)
- [Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team, LEDET] 102, Respect All, Fear None, 2023, (W6133=)
- Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team, [LEDET] 103, La lucha signa, 2023, (W6144=)
- [Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team], LEDET 104, El Estandar de Oro, conquistador with palm leaves, 2023, (W6154=)
- Pacific Tactical Law Enforcement Team 105], El Cinco, before 2020, (W5910=)
- [Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team], LEDET 105, Counter Drug, -2017-, (W6161=)
- [Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team], LEDET 105, No Venatores, before 2023, (W6166=)
- [Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team, LEDET] 105, Los Caza Narco, rubbery print, 2023, (W6169=)
- [Pacific] Tactical Law Enforcement Team 106], Always Bet on the Hard Six!, before 2020, (W5922=)
- [Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team, LEDET] 1[0]7, High Seas, High Stakes, brown, before 2023-, (W6173=)
- [Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team, LEDET] 1[0]7, High Seas, High Stakes, gray, before 2023, (W6177=)
- [Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team], LEDET 108, Raiders of the Night, -2023-, (W6188=)
- Pacific Area Tactical Law Enforcement Team, [LEDET 109], IX, before 2023, (W6199=)
- [Pacific Tactical] Law Enforcement Team 787], 'Ohhh Yeeah!, before 2020, (W5909=)
- -
- Pacific Area Training Detachment Five, 3.1" on felt, reproduction, circa 1985, (W1058xA=)
- -
- Pacific Area Training Team, 5", before 2015, (W5629=)
- Pacific Area Training Team One, Instructor, 3.6", machine sewn, -1986-, (W0926=)
- Pacific Area Training Team One, Instructor, 3.5", computer sewn, -1996-, (W3002)
- -
- Pacific Skyline Council, San Francisco Lightship, BSA council patch, @2000?, (W5404=) (courtesy of Tim Saunders)
- -
- Pacific Strike Team, round with rocker, -1989-, (W5239) (courtesy of Tim Saunders)
- -
- Tactical Law Enforcement Team Pacific, oval, San Diego, circa 2000?, (W5523=)
- Tactical Law Enforcement Team Pacific, round, desert on multicam, San Diego, -2016-, (W5554=)
- -
- National Conference 1987, screened, Auxiliary, Palo Alto, 1987?, (W5150=)
- -
- Training Center Petaluma, large round, -1975-, (W3745) (courtesy of Jeff McKinney)
- Training Center Petaluma, DOT wheel in shield, round, machine sewn, -1984-, (W0541=)
- Training Center Petaluma, DOT wheel in shield, round, computer sewn, before 1988, (W1772=) : retail bag
- The TraCen Petaluma DOT wheel patches compared, front and back.
- Training Center Petaluma, 3.5" round, light blue logo lettering, -1988-, (W1804=)
- Training Center Petaluma, 3.5" round, black logo lettering, -1996-, (W3003)
- Training Center Petaluma, oval, 2001-, (W3789=)
- [Training Center Petaluma], Chief Petty Officer Academy, 3" round, 60% embroidered, -1988-, (W1811=)
- [Training Center Petaluma], Chief Petty Officer Academy, 4" round, 60% embroidered, -1988-, (W1820=)
- Training Center Petaluma, four sparks, Radioman 'A' School, -1977-, (W1377=)
- Training Center Petaluma, crossed keys, Storekeeper 'A' School, -1977-, (W1375=)
- Training Center Petaluma, keys and quill, Commissaryman 'A' School, -1977-, (W1381=)
- Training Center Petaluma, Fire Dept., round w/rocker, before 1994, (W2790=)
- Training Center Petaluma, Fire Dept., '98', shield, before 2008, (W5509=)
- [Training Center] Petaluma, Fire Rescue, 3.7" screened round, -2015-, (W5590=)
- [Training Center Petaluma], Emergency Medical Technician School, before 2019, (W5809=)
- Training Center Petaluma, Food Service Instructor, b&w, -1999-, (W3388=)
- Training Center Petaluma, Food Service Instructor, color, -1999-, (W3384=)
- Training Center Petaluma, Health Services Dental 'A' School, -2002-, (W3859)
- [Training Center] Petaluma, Honor Guard, 5" round, before 1984, (W0163=)
- Training Center Petaluma, Honor Guard, 6" round, -1975-, (W4324) (courtesy of Jeff McKinney)
- Training Center Petaluma, Information Technician 'A' School, Class 0203, 2003, (W4089=) (courtesy of Ken Brown, KB Emblem)
- Training Center Petaluma, Military Police, 3"w shield, before 1986, (W1451) (b&w image)
- Training Center Petaluma, Military Police, 4.6"w shield, -1988-, (W1805=)
- Training Center Petaluma, Military Police, 3.5"w shield, -1992-, (W2558=)
- Training Center Petaluma, Subsistence Specialist Instructor, b&w, 4.5", -1988-, (W1790=)
- Training Center Petaluma, Subsistence Specialist Instructor, color, -1988-, (W1792=)
- Training Center Petaluma, Yeoman School, YN in book motif, before 1984, (W0542=)
- Training Center Petaluma, BSA Section W3N 2011 Conclave, runner, 2011, (W9725=)
- -
- Loran Station Point Arguello, white sky w/black ship, @1979, (W0526=)
- -
- Forward Operating Base Point Mugu, Air Station San Francisco, helo over Hollywood sign, before 2018, (W5647=)
- Forward Operating Base Point Mugu, Air Station San Francisco, Mr. Magoo on US flag, unapproved design, before 2018, (W5665=)
- -
- Point Reyes Light Station, Inverness, developed 1969, produced 2021, (W5934=)
- -
- Point Vicente Lighthouse, Rancho Palos Verdes, 1990s?, (W5379=)
- -
- Point Reyes Station ... see CAMSPAC above, and Communications Station San Francisco, below.
- -
- Station Rio Vista, small shield, two boats, 1990-, (W2292=)
- Station Rio Vista, shield, Guardians of the Delta Triangle, 1995-, (W2947=)
- Station Rio Vista, round, SAR boat, 2009-, (W4918=)
- -
- Air Station Sacramento, C-123? over coast, before 1984, (W1141=) : no 'R' in 'Seach' error, (W1141e1)
- Air Station Sacramento, Yosemite Sam in sage flight suit, no U.S., 100% embroidered, -1983-, (W4023)
- Air Station Sacramento, 6.8"wx5.7"h, Yosemite Sam in lime green flight suit, no U.S., 60% embroidered on gray, before 1984, (W9512) (courtesy of Tim Saunders)
- Air Station Sacramento, 5.7"wx4.8"h, Yosemite Sam in lime green flight suit, no U.S., 60% embroidered on gray, distinct pistol, -1985-, (W0638=)
- Air Station Sacramento, 5.7"wx4.6"h, Yosemite Sam in lime green flight suit, no U.S., 60% embroidered on gray, indistinct pistol, before 1990, (W2288) (courtesy of Tim Saunders)
- Air Station Sacramento, Yosemite Sam in blue flight suit, no U.S., 100% embroidered, 1991-1993-, (W2682=)
- Air Station Sacramento, Yosemite Sam in blue flight suit, U.S., 100% embroidered, 1998-, (W3250=)
- Air Station Sacramento, Yosemite Sam in blue flight suit, U.S., 60% embroidered on gray cloth, black merrowing, -2006-, (W4363=)
- Air Station Sacramento, Yosemite Sam in blue flight suit, U.S., 60% embroidered on gray cloth, orange merrowing, 2000s?, (W6321=)
- Air Station Sacramento, Yosemite Sam in sage flight suit, U.S., 100% embroidered, 2012-, (W5179=)
- Air Station Sacramento, Yosemite Sam in flight suit, subdued green, 2010-, (W5012=)
- Air Station Sacramento, Yosemite Sam in Greek crested helmet, gray props, 2015-2016, (W5476=)
- Air Station Sacramento, Yosemite Sam in Greek crested helmet, black props, 2016-, (W5510=)
- Air Station Sacramento, Glizzies, 2024-, (W1018=)
- Air Station Sacramento, Aireye Operator, b. 1999, (W3488)
- Air Station Sacramento, Rescue Swimmer, No Way No How, 1999-, (W3439=)
- Air Station Sacramento, Rescue Swimmer, Greek motifs, before 2024, (W6276=)
- CG-1705, memorial, Channel Islands, October 29, 2009-, (W4940=)
- 1705, 2"x1" sleeve pencil pocket patch, 2011-, (W5075=)
- 1705, 3"x6" bag patch, 2014-, (W5428=)
- -
- WANCON 1987, [Western Area National Conference], screened, Auxiliary, 1987?, (W5147=)
- -
- CGC CHASE patch article, by Rodney Young
- CGC CHASE, palms, San Diego, 2003-, (W4061=)
- CGC CHASE, coat of arms, 2003-, (W4058=)
- CHASE Association, 2009-, (W4897=)
- CGC CHASE, AVDET 01-04, with CGC ACTIVE, orange lettering, 2009-, (W4829=)
- CGC CHASE, AVDET 01-04, with CGC ACTIVE, red lettering, sample only, 2009, (W4841=)
- -
- CGC EDISTO, Pacific Guardian, San Diego, before 2016, (W3935=)
- -
- CGC HAMILTON, seal w/ship, San Diego, circa 2000?, (W3896=)
- -
- CGC POINT BROWER, San Diego, -1984-, (W0089=)
- -
- CGC POINT STUART, San Diego, -1990-, (W2219=)
- -
- CGC SEA OTTER, San Diego, before 2024, (W6304=)
- -
- CGC TYBEE, orange, San Diego, -1990-, (W2245=)
- CGC TYBEE, black, 1990s, (W2874=)
- -
- CGC VENTUROUS, Spanish soldier, round, San Diego, circa 1969, (W1395=)
- -
- Colorado River Patrol ... see Colorado River Patrol above
- -
- Activities San Diego, foggy, 1998, (W3248=)
- Activities San Diego, clear, 1999-, (W3359=)
- -
- Aids to Navigation Team San Diego, 1998-, (W9673=)
- -
- Air Station San Diego, HH-52, HU-16 and 40'er, @1968-, (W2131=) (courtesy of Doug Teasley, AM2, 1966-1970)
- Air Station San Diego, 5", 40% machine embroidered and appliqued, wing & tail HU-16E, SAR, 1970s?, (W0833=) (courtesy of Tom Chirhart) : reproduction, 3", 100% computer embroidered, 2016, (W0833xA=)
- Air Station San Diego, HH-65 over burning boat, -1993-, (W2681=)
- Air Station San Diego, eagle in flag no 'US', unsealed, -1999-, (W3353=)
- Air Station San Diego, eagle in flag no 'US', sealed, -2002, (W5107=)
- Air Station San Diego, eagle in flag 'US' added, 2002-, (W3825=)
- The three Air Station San Diego eagle-in-flag patches compared.
- Air Station San Diego, helo with palms, SOCAL SAR, 2019-, (W5820=)
- HU-25 San Diego, Last of the Fast, 2014, (W5451=)
- Air Station San Diego, shark in life raft, Rescue Swimmer, -1992, (W2630=)
- Air Station San Diego, ASMs, Rescue Swimmer, 1994-1999, (W2827=)
- Air Station San Diego, ASTs, Rescue Swimmer, 1999-, (W3450=)
- -
- Group San Diego, 5"w shield, HH-3, early 1980s?, (W0607=)
- Group San Diego, 3.7"w shield, HH-3, light blue header, before 1984, (W0426=)
- Group San Diego, 3.7"w shield, HH-3, dark blue header, -1984-, (W0086=)
- Group San Diego, 3.5"w shield, HU-25 and HH-65, -1988-, (W1742=)
- Group San Diego, flame and black letters, -1993(?), (W5142=)
- Group San Diego, gold and black letters, 1993-1995, (W2721=)
- Group San Diego, gold and red letters, 1995-, (W2969=)
- -
- Marine Safety Office San Diego, 3"x4" machine shield, -1987-, (W1566=)
- Marine Safety Office San Diego, 2.75"x3.75" computer shield, 1990?, (W5814=)
- The two Marine Safety Office San Diego shield patches are compared here.
- -
- Maritime Safety and Security Team 91109 (San Diego), color, 2008-, (W4686=)
- Maritime Safety and Security Team 91109 (San Diego), subdued jungle green, 2007-, (W4588=)
- Maritime Safety and Security Team 91109 (San Diego), subdued desert tan, 2010-, (W5035=)
- Maritime Safety and Security Team 91109 (San Diego), subdued blue, 2008-, (W4695=)
- Maritime Safety and Security Team 91109 (San Diego), subdued navy blue / pewter, 2009-, (W4911=)
- Deployable Operations Group, subdued navy blue / pewter double arc custom made for MSST 91109, 2009-, (W4907=)
- -
- San Diego Sea Marshals, 2002-, (W3841=)
- -
- Sector San Diego, eagle in flag, 2005, (W4310) (courtesy of Craig Burns)
- Sector San Diego, round with golden letters, unsealed back, 2005-, (W4336=)
- Sector San Diego, round with golden letters, sealed back, before 2007, (W5050=)
- The two Sector San Diego round yellow lettering patches are compared here.
- Sector San Diego, round with black letters, -2010-, (W4991=)
- Sector San Diego, harbor scene with bridge, screened, -2022-, (W6017=)
- Sector San Diego, harbor and beach scene, screened, before 2024, (W6310=)
- [Sector] San Diego, Chicks Dig Rotorheads, laser cut edge, 2013- (W5347=)
- Sector San Diego, Incident Management Division, seven circles, 2011-, (W5086=)
- Sector San Diego, Incident Management Division, bridge and shore bird, 'DIEGEO' error, -2022-, (W6015=)
- Sector San Diego, Response, boats and helo with skyline, before 2024, (W6307=)
- -
- Station San Diego, shield, 1986-, (W0929=)
- Station San Diego, round, 41407 on stripe, 1998-2001, (W3241=)
- Station San Diego, round, 41407 with bridge, 2002-, (W3869=)
- -
- Tactical Law Enforcement Team Pacific, oval, circa 2000?, (W5523=)
- -
- CGC ALDER, 3.4", screened, San Francisco?, before 2024, (W6255=)
- -
- CGC ASPEN, 4" cut edge, San Francisco, -2006-, (W4376=)
- CGC ASPEN, 4.5" merrowed, -2007-, (W4632)
- CGC ASPEN, Tender of the Lost Coast, 2016-, (W5513=)
- -
- CGC BARATARIA, yellow, cut edge, San Francisco, -1969?, (W3613=)
- CGC BARATARIA, orange, cut edge, 1960s, (W6212=)
- CGC BLACKHAW, cutter map bridge, San Francisco, -1980-, (W0231=)
- -
- USS NORTHLAND, WPG-49, 9" round, San Francisco, 1935, (W9900=)
- -
- CGC PIKE, pike on anchor, San Francisco, 2010-, (W4959=)
- -
- CGC POINT HEYER, eagle w/bridge, San Francisco, before 1983, (W9529=)
- CGC POINT HEYER, large cutter map, before 1984, (W9997=)
- -
- CGC POINT WINSLOW, cutter on California map, Yerba Buena Island, -1976-, (W6054=) (courtesy of Peter Radzinski)
- -
- CGC RED BIRCH, before 1984, San Francisco, 1970s?, (W0258=)
- -
- CGC RESOLUTE, cutter/helo/bridge, light orange cloth, San Francisco, before 1979, (W5675=)
- CGC RESOLUTE, cutter/helo/bridge, surface embroidered golden yellow cloth, before 1979, (W2411=)
- The two RESOLUTE San Francisco patches compared and backs.
- -
- Aids to Navigation Team San Francisco, ships wheel, -1994-, (W2782=)
- Aids to Navigation Team San Francisco, lighthouse, 1999-, (W3431=)
- -
- Air Station San Francisco, HO4S helo, early 1960s?, (W3148=)
- Air Station San Francisco, machine 4.8" wing & bridge, wide motto, before 1985, (W0662=)
- Air Station San Francisco, machine 4.8" wing & bridge, narrow motto, before 1996, (W3100=)
- Air Station San Francisco, machine 5.5" wing & bridge, wide motto, 1970s?, (W4124=)
- Air Station San Francisco, machine 5.8" wing & bridge, -1982-1985-, (W0641=)
- Air Station San Francisco, computer 6" wing & bridge, vertically sewn water streaks, -1988-1990, (W1676=)
- Air Station San Francisco, computer 6" wing & bridge, horizontally sewn water streaks, -1991-, (W5382=)
- The two Air Station San Francisco 6" wing/bridge patches are compared here.
- Air Station San Francisco, machine 4.9" wing & bridge, before 1990, (W2151=)
- Air Station San Francisco, bullion, machine 4.25" wing & bridge, late 1980s, (W6013=)
- Air Station San Francisco, computer 3.6" wing & bridge, horizontally sewn white, heavy sealed back, -1988-, (W1815=)
- Air Station San Francisco, computer 3.5" wing & bridge, vertically sewn white, (unsealed back, 1990s?, (W4857=)) : (lightly sealed back, before 2009, (W3535=))
- The three Air Station San Francisco 3.5" wing/bridge patches are compared here.
- Air Station San Francisco, 50th, Then and Now, 1991-, (W1043=)
- Air Station San Francisco, 5" HH65 w/bridge, 2001-, (W3707=)
- Air Station San Francisco, 4" HH65 w/bridge, unsealed back, -2009-, (W4849=)
- Air Station San Francisco, 4" HH65 w/bridge, sealed back, 2020-, (W5970=)
- Air Station San Francisco, 3.5" HH65 w/bridge, sealed back, 2001-, (W3711=)
- Air Station San Francisco, 3.5" HH65 w/bridge, unsealed back, -2003-, (W3952=)
- The four Air Station San Francisco helo/bridge patches are compared here.
- Air Station San Francisco, Skunk Works, 2003-, (W4006=)
- Air Station San Francisco, helo shark, 'ASSF', 2014-, (W5412=)
- Air Station San Francisco, helo shark, 'USCG AIR STATION SAN FRANCISCO', 2014-, (W5433=)
- Air Station / MSO San Francisco, Sea Marshals, Vertical Delivery, 2003-, (W4031=)
- Air Station San Francisco Auth Use of Force, Defense From Above, yellow snake, 2012-, (W5242=)
- Air Station San Francisco Auth Use of Force, Defense From Above, green snake, 2012-2013, (W5251=)
- Air Station San Francisco Auth Use of Force, Defense From Above, woodland snake, 2013-, (W5336=)
- Air Station San Francisco Rescue Swimmer, black tooth shark jaw, 2001-2003, (W3722=)
- Air Station San Francisco Rescue Swimmer, 4.1" tall triangle, black merrowing, white tooth shark jaw, 2003-, (W3905=)
- Air Station San Francisco Rescue Swimmer, 4" tall triangle, laser cut edge, white tooth shark jaw, -2023-, (W6233=)
- Air Station San Francisco Rescue Swimmer, 3.9" tall triangle, black merrowing, white tooth shark jaw, @2007?, (W4861=)
- The two Air Station San Francisco merrowed, white tooth Rescue Swimmer patches are compared here.
- Air Station San Francisco Eagle Eye, 2002-, (W3888=)
- Air Station San Francisco Aviation Detachment 01-03 , Columbian Style BBQ, w/CGC RUSH, 2004-, (W4100=)
- Air Station San Francisco, FOB Point Mugu, before 2018, (W5647=)
- Air Station San Francisco, Forward Operating Base Point Mugu, Mr. Magoo on US flag, unapproved design, before 2018, (W5665=)
- -
- San Francisco Base Yerba Buena Island, round, -1985-, (W9600=) (courtesy of CAPT Randy Corrigan, USCG(Ret))
- -
- Communication Station San Francisco [NMC], round, map, Point Reyes, -1974-, (W1140=)
- Communication Station San Francisco [NMC], round, bridge, -1984-, (W0580=)
- CAMSPAC (NMC), [Communication Station San Francisco], 200 Years of Service, 1990-, (W2217=)
- CAMSPAC, [Communication Area Master Station Pacific], 4", eagle, -2009-, (W4848) (courtesy of Tim Saunders)
- See also CAMSPAC, above
- -
- Group San Francisco / CGC POINT HEYER, large cutter map, before 1984, (W9997=)
- Group San Francisco, 4" round, -1999-, (W3368=)
- -
- Marine Safety Office San Francisco, 'MSO' monogram, before 1986, (W1444=) (courtesy of Tim Saunders)
- Marine Safety Office San Francisco, machine embroidered, orange bridge, thin 'S', sewn-thru cloth, before 1986, (W0938=)
- Marine Safety Office San Francisco, machine embroidered, orange bridge, thick 'S', sewn-thru paper, circa 1984?, (W5874=)
- Marine Safety Office San Francisco, machine embroidered, red bridge, thick 'S', sewn-thru cloth, before 1984, (W0159=)
- Marine Safety Office San Francisco, computer embroidered, orange bridge, thick 'S', sewn-thru fine cheesecloth, -1988-, (W1807=)
- The four MSO San Francisco patches are compared here and backs.
- Marine Safety Office / AS San Francisco, Sea Marshals, Vertical Delivery, 2003-, (W4031=)
- -
- Maritime Safety and Security Team 91105 San Francisco, color, Duty Above All, 2006-, (W4501=)
- Maritime Safety and Security Team 91105 San Francisco, subdued green, Duty Above All, 2007-, (W4612=)
- -
- For the Pacific Area, see above.
- For the Twelfth District, see below.
- -
- Port Security Unit 312, colors, blue merrowing, San Francisco, 2008-, (W4739=)
- Port Security Unit 312, triangular shield, jungle green subdued, black merrowing, -2005-2009, (W4449=)
- Port Security Unit 312, squarish shield, jungle green subdued, black merrowing, 2009-, (W4882=)
- Port Security Unit 312, desert tan subdued, brown merrowing, pale green cloth, -2006-, (W4451=) rejected by unit
- Port Security Unit 312, desert tan subdued, brown merrowing, pale tan cloth, -2006-, (W4726=)
- Port Security Unit 312, desert tan subdued, brown merrowing, 100%, two color background, sample only, 2009, (W4806=)
- Port Security Unit 312, desert tan subdued, brown merrowing, 100%, one color background, 2009-, (W4831=)
- Port Security Unit 312, Kuwait rectangle, 2010, (W4984=)
- The four PSU 312 desert tan patches are compared here.
- Port Security Unit 312, Kuwait 2010, Never Forget, 2010, (W5032=)
- Deployable Operations Group, desert subdued double rocker custom made for PSU-312, 2009-, (W4895=)
- -
- Communication Station San Francisco (NMC), Point Reyes, -1974-, (W1140=) (courtesy of RMCS Pete Westerberg, USCG(Ret))
- -
- Sector San Francisco, small, -2006-, (W4393=)
- -
- Station San Francisco, large round, -1980-, (W9559=)
- Station San Francisco, shield, before 1987, (W1422=)
- Station San Francisco, 4.5" round, 'SF', 2013, (W5365=)
- Station San Francisco, 5" round, 'SF', 2013-, (W5387=)
- The two Station San Francisco 'SF' round patches are compared here.
- -
- Vessel Traffic System San Francisco, early 1980s?, (W1084=)
- Vessel Traffic Service San Francisco, -1992-2002-, (W2584=)
- -
- Loran Station San Mateo Point, dark brown eagle, incorrect stripe, early 1970s, (W4180=)
- Loran Station San Mateo Point, red brown eagle wings, correct stripe, red brown and white tail, 1970s, (W4167=)
- Loran Station San Mateo Point, red brown eagle wings, correct stripe, white only tail, late 1970s, (W0781=)
- The three San Mateo Point patches are compared here.
- -
- CGC CHASE, rectangle, San Pedro, 1991-, (W2488=)
- CGC CHASE, rounded rectangle, -1994-, (W2806=)
- CGC CHASE, OASIS, before 2000, (W3520=)
- -
- CGC HAMILTON, coat of arms, San Pedro, -1991-1997-, (W2534=)
- -
- CGC LAUREL, 1980s?, (W1553) (courtesy of Ron Wilkins)
- -
- CGC CONIFER, oval, golden merrowing, San Pedro, California, -1987-, (W1610=)
- CGC CONIFER, oval, black merrowing, no dates, -1992-, (W2570=)
- CGC CONIFER, oval, black merrowing, 1943-2000, -2000, (W3516=)
- CGC CONIFER, round, (unsealed back, 1995-2000, (W2891=); sealed back, before 2006, (W4482=))
- -
- CGC GEORGE COBB, coat of arms, 2002-, (W3812=)
- CGC GEORGE COBB, shark ship, 2002-, (W3807=)
- -
- CGC VENTUROUS, large shield, -1980-, (W0461=)
- CGC VENTUROUS, white hilites, -1990-, (W2166)
- CGC VENTUROUS, no white hilites, -1993, (W2634=)
- -
- CGC WALNUT (WLM-252), before 1982, (W0467=)
- -
- Port Security Unit 311, cut edge, colored, San Pedro, 1999-, (W3508)
- Port Security Unit 311, cut edge, jungle subdued with no letters, 1999-, (W3513=)
- Port Security Unit 311, cut edge, black on white with PSU 311, -2002(?), (W18703=)
- Port Security Unit 311, cut edge, jungle subdued with PSU 311, -2003-, (W4093) (courtesy of Clarence Chessher)
- Port Security Unit 311, cut edge, desert subdued with PSU 311, -2003-, (W4102) (courtesy of Clarence Chessher)
- Port Security Unit 311, cut edge, jungle subdued with USCG PSU 311, -2007-, (W4660)
- Port Security Unit 311, merrowed edge, jungle subdued with USCG PSU 311, -2007-, (W4671=)
- Port Security Unit 311, merrowed edge, desert subdued with USCG PSU 311, before 2009, (W4894=)
- -
- Base Terminal Island, bulldog, San Pedro, 1964-, (W0458)
- Base Terminal Island, square, 1970s?, (W0530=)
- Base Terminal Island, Olympics, 1984, (W0629=)
- Support Center San Pedro, -1989-, (W9593=)
- -
- CGC POINT JUDITH, cuttermans badge, Santa Barbara, 1980-, (W5073=) (courtesy of Egbert Vallecillo, QMC, USCG(Ret))
- CGC POINT JUDITH, light blue cap shield, before 1984, (W0544=)
- CGC POINT JUDITH, black cap shield, 1990s(?), (W5612=)
- CGC POINT JUDITH, orange map, 1990-, (W2271=)
- Coastal Search and Rescue Facility Santa Barbara, COSARFAC, before 1984, (W0544=)
- -
- Base Terminal Island, bulldog, San Pedro, 1964-, (W0458)
- Base Terminal Island, square, 1970s?, (W0530=)
- Base Terminal Island, Olympics, 1984, (W0629=)
- -
- Treasure Island, San Francisco Bay, hilited badge, before 1985, (W1235=)
- Treasure Island, non-hilited badge, (W5352=)
- Treasure Island Museum, -1975-, (W4626)
- -
- Twelfth District, white aircraft, -1965-, (W3642) (courtesy of Ernest Garcia)
- Twelfth District, black aircraft, no bridge pier hilites, -1979-, (W2299=)
- Twelfth District, black aircraft, red bridge pier hilites, before 1994, (W3653=)
- Twelfth District, 3.9" bridge on stripe, blue background, circa 1984, (W2396=)
- Twelfth District, 2.5" bridge on stripe, aqua background, circa 1984, (W0170=)
- Twelfth District, 3" bridge on stripe, aqua background, circa 1984, (W0930=)
- Twelfth District, 3.9" bridge on stripe, aqua background, circa 1984, (W1662=)
- The four bridge on stripe are compared here.
- Twelfth District, Auxiliary, blazer, -1985-, (W0769=)
- Twelfth District, Range Master, black merrowing, before 2009 (1980s?),(W4805=)
- Twelfth District, Range Coach, black merrowing, before 2009 (1980s?), (W4834=)
- Twelfth District, Range Master, yellow merrowing, before 2009 (1980s?), (W4828=)
- Twelfth District, Range Coach, yellow merrowing, before 2009 (1980s?), (W4811=)
- The four 12th District range officials patches are compared here.
- Twelfth District, Storekeeper, bridge, -1984-, (W01581=)
- -
- Western Inspector, [Alameda?], 1960s?, (W4574=) (courtesy of Coast Guard Museum/Northwest, Seattle)
- -
- CGC POINT WINSLOW, cutter on California map, Yerba Buena Island, -1976-, (W6054=) (courtesy of Peter Radzinski)
- -
- Base Yerba Buena Island, Service to the 12th District, before 1984 (1970s?), (W0517=)
- San Francisco Base Yerba Buena Island, round, -1985-, (W9600=) (courtesy of CAPT Randy Corrigan, USCG(Ret))
- -
- Reserve Unit Yerba Buena Island, With Pride, M+R Br., 1970s?, (W6019=)
Return to type/states table.

Return to type/states table.

- Academy ... see at New London
- Central Oil Identification Laboratory, Groton, -1988-, (W1776=)
- Commissaryman 'A' School, 16-4-67, Groton, 1967, (W4587) (courtesy of Dave Williams, Atlanta, GA)
- International Ice Patrol, die cut edge, fluke dots down shield, circa 1977?, (W5904=)
- International Ice Patrol, merrowed edge, fluke dots down shield, before 1988, (W1944=)
- International Ice Patrol, merrowed edge, fluke dots up shield, -1984-, (W0093=)
- International Ice Patrol, minimalist shield, lumpy C-130, -1990-, (W2347=)
- International Ice Patrol, blue anchors shield, clean C-130, 1995-, (W2967=)
- International Ice Patrol, blue anchors shield, fuzzy C-130, -2009-, (W4821=)
- International Ice Patrol, 3 section round, 4.5", red merrowing, 1995-, (W2971=)
- International Ice Patrol, 3 section round, 4.4", dark red merrowing, before 2007, (W4702=)
- International Ice Patrol, 5" C-130 over iceberg round, 1997-, (W3206=)
- International Ice Patrol, sticker, 1990s?, (=)
- International Ice Patrol - see also St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada
- Field Testing and Development Center, 1960s?, (W1365=)
- Research and Development Center, 3.7" round, 60%, unsealed back, Groton, early 1980s?-, (W4860=)
- Research and Development Center, 3.7" round, 60%, sealed back, -1985-, (W0758=)
- Research and Development Center, 4" round, 100%, unsealed back, -1989-, (W2026=)
- Research and Development Center, 4" round, 100%, sealed back, -2009-, (W4854=)
- The four Research and Development Center patches are compared here.
- See R&D Center also at New London, Connecticut.
- -
- Group Long Island Sound, boat bow on, New Haven, before 1981, (W9557=)
- Group Long Island Sound, boat on map, -1981-1990-, (W0037=)
- Captain of the Port/Group Long Island Sound, lighthouse and SAR boat in map, -1993-2000, (W2667=)
- -
- CGC BOLLARD, smiling sun, New Haven, before 1989, (W0791=)
- -
- Station New Haven, Defending the Sound, 1980?, (W5357=)
- Station New Haven, Auxiliary Operations Team, circa 1997?, (W4643=)
- -
- CGC CAPE FAIRWEATHER, New London, before 1985, (W1106=)
- -
- CGC CHINOOK, cutter at New London - Connecticut Rivers Council, BSA 2013 National Jamboree, New London, 2013, (W5580=)
- -
- CGC EAGLE, Operation Sail 1964, 8", at New York City, New York, New London, (W9957)
- CGC EAGLE, Operation Sail 1964, 4", (W5373=)
- CGC EAGLE, 4" red/blue, before 1984, (W0296=)
- CGC EAGLE, 4" sailing ship w/o shrouds, machine, -1984-, (W0132=)
- CGC EAGLE, 4" sailing ship w/o shrouds, computer, -1993-, (W2708=)
- CGC EAGLE, 4" sailing ship w/shrouds, before 1987, (W1581=)
- [CGC EAGLE], Gran Regata Colon '92, at San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1992, (W2575=)
- CGC EAGLE, 3" sailing ship, -1993- , (W3094=)
- CGC EAGLE, 5"wx3"h cap shield, -1989-, (W2005=)
- CGC EAGLE, 6"wx3"h cap shield, before 2002, (W3913=)
- CGC EAGLE, coat of arms, -1999-, (W3361=)
- CGC EAGLE, 5.1" round, unsealed, detailed hull, America's Tall Ship, 2000-, (W3546=)
- CGC EAGLE, 5" round, sealed, clean hull, America's Tall Ship, 2012-, (W5180=)
- CGC EAGLE, Connecticut Rivers Council, BSA 2013 National Jamboree, 2013, (W5577=)
- -
- CGC EVERGREEN, walrus and bear, light blue cloth, Coast Guard stripe, Curtis Bay, MD, or New London, 1970s, (W0306=)
- CGC EVERGREEN, walrus and bear, dark blue cloth, Coast Guard stripe, Curtis Bay, MD, or New London, 1970s, (W6209=)
- CGC EVERGREEN, walrus and bear, purple cloth, Coast Guard stripe, Curtis Bay, MD, or New London, 1970s, (W6132=)
- CGC EVERGREEN, WAGO-295, before 1982, (W0304=)
- CGC EVERGREEN Deck Force, -1977-, (W4699) (courtesy of Peter T. Sabine, DC1, USCG(Ret))
- CGC EVERGREEN, WMEC, yellow sun, before 1987, (W9628=)
- -
- CGC MORRO BAY, cutter at New London - Connecticut Rivers Council, BSA 2013 National Jamboree, 2013, (W5584=)
- -
- CGC OWASCO, New London, -1964-, (W1317) (courtesy of Mike Passaretti)
- CGC OWASCO, WHEC hand, -1968-, (W1300=) (courtesy of Don Melko, BM2, 1969-1973) - reproduction, reunion, sealed back, 2015, (W1300xA=)
- CGC OWASCO, cutter, -1970-, (W1323=) (courtesy of Don Melko, BM2, 1969-1973)
- -
- CGC POINT FRANCIS, New London, 1993-, (W2658=)
- -
- CGC POINT WHITE - see at Viet Nam
- -
- CGC REDWOOD, arm w/buoy, New London, before 1984, (W0255=)
- CGC REDWOOD, First in Her Class, before 1984, (W0131=)
- CGC REDWOOD, screened, before 1985, (W0633=)
- -
- CGC VIGOROUS, Plank Owner, New London, 1969, (W1256=)
- CGC VIGOROUS, lightning struck cutter, before 1984, (W0465=)
- CGC VIGOROUS, machine sewn, strong arm cutter, -1978-, (W0463=) (courtesy of Drew Holden)
- CGC VIGOROUS, 5" computer sewn, strong arm cutter, -1984-, (W0128=) : reproduction, 4.5", before 2016, (W0128xA=)
- CGC VIGOROUS, bullion, 'Gear Conflict', before 2016, (W5519=)
- -
- CGC YEATON, New London, 1967-1969, (W9507=) (courtesy of Webb, RM2)
- -
- Academy, 3" round, with city name, New London, thin anchor and inner ring, -1988-, (W1740=)
- Academy, 3" round, with city name, New London, heavy anchor and inner ring, before 2020, (W5889=)
- Academy, 3" round, indistinct eagle, 100% embroidered, -1999-, (W3360=)
- Academy, 3" round, distinct eagle, 80% embroidered on blue cloth, -2008-, (W4675=)
- Academy, 3+" round, distinct eagle, 100% embroidery, 2015-, (W5478=)
- Academy, 3.125" round, bullion, no pins, circa 1960?, (W3667=)
- Academy, 3.4" screened, blue/white, cut edge, before 2023, (W6150=)
- Academy, 3.5" round, blue/gold, cut edge, circa 1967, (W0045)
- Academy, 3.7" round, gold/white on black cloth, cut edge, -1964-1994-, (W0036)
- Academy, 3.6" round, bullion, smooth cloths, four pins, -1984-, (W0134=)
- Academy, 3.6" round, bullion, ribbed cloths, three pins, before 2009, (W4812=)
- The two Academy bullion patches are compared here.
- Academy, 4" embroidered round, gold merrowing, skinny tridents, before 1988, (W1808=)
- Academy, 4" embroidered round, gold merrowing, fat tridents, -2001-, (W3778=)
- Academy, 4" embroidered round, cut edge, -1984-, (W0135=)
- Academy, 4" screened round, yellow merrowing, before 1987, (W4463=)
- Academy, 4" embroidered round, blue merrowing, -1999-, (W3411=)
- Academy, 4.6" round, gold merrowing, 2016-, (W5500=)
- Academy, 10" round, -2008-, (W9942=)
- Academy, shield, no year, -1999-, (W3436=)
- Academy, Aviation Club, bear paw, 2016-, (W5505=)
- [Academy], CG, monogram on double tail pennant, sailing team burgee, -1965-, (W0015)
- Academy, Faculty, bullion, square tridents, circa 1980, (W4794=)
- Academy, Faculty, bullion, rounded tridents, circa 1980, (W5553=)
- Academy, Mechanical Engineering, calipers in gear, 2010-, (W4967=)
- Academy, Police, 4" wide shield, -2002-, (W3902=)
- Academy, Rifle and Pistol Club, Eastern Invitational Open Sectional Gallery Pistol Tournament, 1961, (W6041=)
- Academy, Rifle and Pistol Club, Southern New England Open Sectional Rifle Championship, 1961, (W3525=)
- Academy, Security, before 1989, (W1986=)
- Academy, Waterfront, 1998-, (W3264=)
- Academy, Windjammers, -1988-, (W1818=)
- Academy 1945, 50th Reunion, bullion, 1995, (W5791=)
- Academy 1947, 65th Reunion, bullion, 2011, (W6005=)
- Academy 1958, (50th reunion 2008?), bullion, before 2012, (W5300=)
- Academy 1961, class eagle novelty, circa 1960?, (W9577=)
- Academy 1964, athletic jacket, 1960-1964, (W3486=)
- Academy 1967, athletic jacket, 1963-1967, (W0036 plus separatae year arc)
- Academy 1967, 50th reunion, bullion, 2017, (W5636)
- Academy 1969, '69' class, before 2022, (W6147=)
- Academy 1974, '74' class, before 2023, (W3351=)
- Academy 1980, '80' class, before 1985, (W0698=)
- Academy 1980, 15th reunion, 1995, (W3426=)
- Academy 1981, '81' class, before 2022, (W6106=)
- Academy 1992, athletic jacket, 1988-1992, (W5600=)
- Academy 1993, athletic jacket, 1989-1993, (W3794=)
- Academy 1994, '94' class, before 2022, (W6009=)
- Academy, Philippine novelty, -2007-, (W4630)
- Academy, Connecticut Rivers Council, BSA 2013 National Jamboree, 2013, (W9923=)
- -
- Chief Petty Officer Academy, 4", cut edge, New London, -2002-, (W3811=)
- -
- Command & Operations School, New London, -2012-, (W5307=)
- -
- Leadership Development Center, New London, -2012-, (W5310=)
- -
- Officer Candidate School, merrowed edge, sealed back, pinkish gray lettering, New London, -2000-, (W4772=)
- This patch (W4772) compared with the earlier Yorktown variety.
- Officer Candidate School, cut edge, -2002-, (W3806)
- Officer Candidate School ... see also Yorktown, Virginia
- -
- Ya Gotta Be Hard, round, Academy Parents Assn Portsmouth VA, 1980, (W6038=)
- -
- Research and Development Center, From Here...You Can See Tommorrow, New London, 2010-, (W5014=)
- Research and Development Center, Miles for Fitness, before 2023, (W6228=)
- See R&D Center also at Groton, Connecticut.
- -
- Reserve Unit New London, yellow edge, before 2000, (W3585) (courtesy of Paul Weber)
- -
- Station New London, SAR boat, oval with SAR boat, before 1985, (W1299=)
- Station New London, SAR boat and lighthouse, 1995-, (W2932=)
- -
- Thames River Gun Club, 1963 Southern New England Open Sectional Gallery Pistol Tournament, New London, 1963, (W5755=)
- Thames River Gun Club, 1964 Southern New England Open Sectional Gallery Pistol Tournament, 1964, (W5766=)
Return to type/states table.

That's All, Folks ... so far!
Page created by: wwesslin@ix.netcom.com
Rex M. Wessling
15706 NE 56th Way
Redmond, Washington
Copyright © 1998-2024