Wess Wessling's
United States Coast Guard
Patch Archive

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Patches shown on this page are NOT for sale.
These are just memories.
If a patch shown here is available for sale,
I offer it in my own online web store.
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WLB 225' Famous class sea going buoytenders:
- USCG Seagoing (WLB) Bouytender Vets, 2015-, (W5475=)
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- 225' WLB, Lifesaver series, 2008-, (W4685=)
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- CGC ALDER, 3.4", screened, San Francisco, California, before 2024, (W6255=)
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- CGC ASPEN, 4" cut edge, San Francisco, California, -2006, (W4376=)
- CGC ASPEN, 4.5" merrowed, 2007-, (W4632)
- CGC ASPEN, Tender of the Lost Coast, 2016-, (W5513=)
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- CGC CYPRESS, coat of arms, merrowed edge, Mobile, Alabama, after 2002 and before 2012, (W5301=) (courtesy of BMC Jake Carawan)
- CGC CYPRESS, coat of arms, laser cut edge, Pensacola, Florida, before 2024, (W6248=)
- CGC CYPRESS, Strong Arm of the Gulf, Pensacola, Florida, 2012-, (W5275=)
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- CGC ELM, sharks, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, 2006-, (W4419=)
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- CGC FIR - no patches known ...
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- CGC HICKORY - no patches known ...
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- CGC HOLLYHOCK - no patches known ...
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- CGC JUNIPER, Commissioning Crew, Newport, Rhode Island, 1997-, (W3136=)
- CGC JUNIPER, cutter w/bridge, 1997-, (W3150=)
- CGC JUNIPER, First Oahu Crew, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2020-, (W5969=)
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- CGC KUKUI - patches known, no yet listed ...
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- CGC MAPLE, coat of arms, Sitka, Alaska, before 2016, (W5537=)
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- CGC OAK - no patches known ...
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- CGC SEQUOIA, Black Pearl of the Pacific, Santa Rita, Guam, 2012-, (W5277=)
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- CGC SPAR, Aleutian Keeper, Kodiak, Alaska, 2005?-, (W4538=)
- CGC SPAR ... see also under 'WLB 180s' for the 'old' SPAR
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- CGC SYCAMORE, graphic (not known as a patch), Keeper of the Sound, Cordova, Alaska, circa 2004, (W4538=)
- CGC SYCAMORE ... see also under 'WLR' for the 'old' SYCAMORE (WLR-268)
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- CGC WALNUT - no patches known ...
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- CGC WILLOW, Newport, Rhode Island, 1998-, (W3337=)
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- Project Resident Office Marinette, 3 cutters on map, Wisconsin, 2003-, (W4033=)
Return to type/states table.

WLB 180' Plants class and 188' sea-going buoytenders:
- USCG Seagoing (WLB) Bouytender Vets, 2015-, (W5475=)
- Kodiak [bouytenders], cap shield, 1990s?, (W5838=)
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- CGC ACACIA unit patches
- CGC ACACIA, 4.1" round, roadrunner, Port Huron, Michigan, before 1975?, (W0244=)
- CGC ACACIA, 5" round, unsealed back, Ace of the Lakes, Grand Haven, Michigan, -1985-, (W0728=)
- CGC ACACIA, 5" round, sealed back, Ace of the Lakes, -1988-, (W1821=)
- ACACIA's round Ace of the Lakes patchescompared.
- CGC ACACIA, cutter on ace card, rectangular, Ace of the Lakes, Charlevoix, Michigan, 1994-, (W2752=)
- WLB Conference, CGCs ACACIA, BRAMBLE, MARIPOSA, MESQUITE, SUNDEW, Saint Ignace, @1989, (W2074=)
- CGC ACACIA, 4" round, Served With Pride, heritage, before 2021, (W5937=)
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- CGC BALSAM unit patches
- CGC BALSAM, bird w/umbrella on buoy, Ketchikan, Alaska, 1959-, (W3612=)
- CGC BALSAM, Adak, Alaska, fat eyes touch flathats of walrus, later than 1964, earlier than 1975, (W1386=)
- CGC BALSAM, Adak, Alaska, small eyes well below flathats of walrus, later than 1964, earlier than 1975, (W5646=)
- BALSAM's walrus patches compared.
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- CGC BASSWOOD, WEST PAC 66, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1966, (W5204) (courtesy of Dean Pfaender)
- CGC BASSWOOD, WESTPAC 1967, 1967, (W1285) (courtesy of Myron Moskey and Dean Pfaender)
- CGC BASSWOOD, Breakfast of Champions, Agana, Guam, -1978-, (W0227=)
- CGC BASSWOOD, sailing into the sun, oval, missing 'S' error, 1980s?, (W0232A=)
- CGC BASSWOOD, Micronesia, buoy, drum, stone ring, non-woven back, before 1985, (W0800=)
- CGC BASSWOOD, Micronesia, buoy, drum, stone ring, 4.25" round, dark olive green grass, before 1995, (W2561=)
- CGC BASSWOOD, 5", in lagoon, 1984-1998, (W0562=)
- These patches are belived to be reproductions (usually presented and/or offered ignorantly or fraudulently) of the above BASSWOOD lagoon patch.
- reproduction, 4.5", hilites in foreground, before 2013, (W0562xA)
- reproduction, 4.5", no hilites in foreground, before 2013, (W0562xB=)
- reproduction, 4", -2013-, (W0562xC)
- CGC BASSWOOD, Dive Team, diving helmet, 1970s?, (W5210) (courtesy of Ron Wilkins)
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- CGC BITTERSWEET, round, Kodiak, Alaska, -1962-, (W3852=)
- CGC BITTERSWEET, round, Ketchikan, Alaska, -1965-, (W2147) (courtesy of Ron Wilkins)
- CGC BITTERSWEET, large shield, early 1970s, (W0221=)
- CGC BITTERSWEET, large shield, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, before 1984, (W9520=)
- CGC BITTERSWEET, Ice Patrol, before 1994, (W2765=)
- CGC BITTERSWEET, Black Knights, oval, before 1994, (W2816=)
- CGC BITTERSWEET, Black Knights, round, unsealed, -1992-, (W2537=)
- CGC BITTERSWEET, Black Knights, round, sealed, before 1993, (W5712=)
- BITTERSWEET's round Black Knights patches compared.
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- CGC BLACKHAW, Viet Nam, Sangley Point, Philippines, 1968-1971, (W1387) (courtesy of Hans Burkhardt)
- CGC BLACKHAW, cutter map bridge, San Francisco, California, -1980-, (W0231=)
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- CGC BLACKTHORN, shield, cutter with no stripe, Mobile, Alabama, -1966-, (W4589) (courtesy of Dave Williams, Atlanta, GA)
- CGC BLACKTHORN, Can Do Ship shield, before 1976, (W0240=)
- CGC BLACKTHORN, buoy eater, Galveston, Texas, before 1980, (W0230=)
- CGC BLACKTHORN, 20th Remembrance, circa 2000, (W5916=)
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- CGC BRAMBLE, 6" round with hands, Detroit or Port Huron, Michigan, before 1984, (W9523=)
- CGC BRAMBLE, 50% sewn ice crusher, before 1984, (W0236=)
- CGC BRAMBLE, 8"wx3"h rectangle, Ice Rammers of the Lakes, before 1984, (W9999=)
- CGC BRAMBLE, 5" round, computer sewn ice crusher, -1989-, (W2060=)
- CGC BRAMBLE, 3.25"wx2"h rectangle, computer sewn ice crusher, late 1980s?, (W5837=)
- CGC BRAMBLE, Hat Trick 3, 1988, (W1674=)
- CGC BRAMBLE, Thorn of the Great Lakes, 2003, (W4005=)
- WLB Conference, CGCs ACACIA, BRAMBLE, MARIPOSA, MESQUITE, SUNDEW, Saint Ignace, @1989, (W2074=)
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- CGC BUTTONWOOD, Can Do Have Done, round, before 1981, (W0229=)
- CGC BUTTONWOOD, ATON, Logistics, SAR, shield, before 1981?, (W5796=)
- CGC BUTTONWOOD, 5" large Texas on stripe, Galveston, Texas, 1982-1987, (W0139=)
- CGC BUTTONWOOD, 4.75" medium Texas on stripe, 1987-, (W1617=)
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- CGC CACTUS, Boston, Massachusetts, mid-1960s, (W0269=) (courtesy of Roger Hughes)
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- CGC CITRUS, white hull shield, Kodiak, Alaska, before 1979, (W0004=)
- CGC CITRUS, magic marker black hull shield, before 1979, (W0204=)
- CGC CITRUS, cutter chomps buoy, with stars, before 1979, (W0282=)
- CGC CITRUS, cutter chomps buoy, w/o stars, before 1979, (W0282a=)
- CGC CITRUS, machine triangle, Coos Bay, Oregon, 1986-1991, (W0848=)
- CGC CITRUS, computer triangle, 1991-, (W2490=) : reproduction, 5.2"wx4"h, 2016, (W2490xA=)
- CITRUS's Coos Bay patches compared.
- CGC CITRUS, cap shield, Cuttermans badge, before 1994, (W3189=)
- CGC CITRUS unit patches
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- CGC CLOVER, about 8"x8" octagon, Adak, Alaska, before 1964, (W9998=)
- CGC CLOVER, 5"x6" shield with cutter underway, before 1964, (W9718=)
- CGC CLOVER, 6"x6" shield with map, 1961-1964, (W1091=) (courtesy of Brittany Dilley)
- CGC CLOVER, 'WLB' round, Sitka, Alaska, before 1979, (W0192=)
- CGC CLOVER, 'WIB' round, 1970s?, (W2036=) : reproduction, computer embroidery, paper back, 'CLDVER' and 'WIB', (W2036xA=)
- CLOVER's two 'WIB' patches are compared here.
- CGC CLOVER, shamrock, Eureka, California, before 1984, (W0212=)
- CGC CLOVER, figure w/pipe, 1984-, (W0181=)
- CGC CLOVER, Officer's cap shield, date?, (W5372=)
- CGC CLOVER, Chief's cap shield, date?, (W5368=)
- CGC CLOVER, Coast Guard logo cap shield, date?, (W4277=)
- CLOVER's three cap shield patches are compared here.
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- CGC CONIFER, shield WAGL-301, Portsmouth, Virginia, -1962-, (W9687) (courtesy of Ron Wilkins)
- CGC CONIFER, shield WLB-301, -1966-, (W9541=) (courtesy of Mike Hanlen)
- CGC CONIFER, wavy, rough lettering, Morehead City, North Carolina, before 1983, (W0628=)
- CGC CONIFER, wavy, neat lettering, before 1983, (W0283=)
- CGC CONIFER, oval, golden merrowing, San Pedro, California, -1987-, (W1610=)
- CGC CONIFER, oval, black merrowing, no dates, -1992-, (W2570=)
- CGC CONIFER, oval, black merrowing, 1943-2000, -2000, (W3516=)
- CGC CONIFER, round, (unsealed back, 1995-2000, (W2891=); sealed back, before 2006, (W4482=))
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- CGC COWSLIP, South Portland, Maine, before 1973, (W0286=)
- CGC COWSLIP, Portsmouth, Virginia, 1985-, (W0715=)
- CGC COWSLIP, small black coat of arms, -1993-, (W2703=)
- CGC COWSLIP, blue ox, Astoria, Oregon, after 1995, (W3110=)
- CGC COWSLIP, large blue coat of arms, 2002, (W3919=)
- CGC COWSLIP, cap shield, 2000?, (W5840=)
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- CGC EVERGREEN ... see under White cutters, Other White Cutters.
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- CGC FIREBUSH, Popeye, gold chain, Governors Island, New York, -1960s-, (W1450=) : fake, 3.5" round, -2024-, (W1450xA=)
- CGC FIREBUSH, Popeye, brown chain, -1978, (W0310=)
- CGC FIREBUSH, black line shield, Kodiak, Alaska, 1979-, (W0001=)
- CGC FIREBUSH, blue line shield, -1984-, (W0567=)
- CGC FIREBUSH, pink Popeye, 1987-1991, (W2353=)
- CGC FIREBUSH, tan Popeye, 1991-2003, (W2458=)
- CGC FIREBUSH, 'Firebush Halibut Charters', embroidered and merrowed, -1986-, (W4392)(courtesy of QM1 Robert Grant)
- CGC FIREBUSH, 'Firebush Halibut Charters', unfinished and screened, @1986?, (W3350=)
- CGC FIREBUSH, cap shield, cuttermans badge, unfinished and screened, before 1998, (W3338=)
- CGC FIREBUSH, cap shield, cuttermans badge, embroidered, 1990s?, (W4174=)
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- CGC GENTIAN, man on buoy, Galveston, Texas, @1968, (W0312=) (courtesy of Roger Behr)
- CGC GENTIAN, 4" round, red boom, Morehead City, North Carolina, before 1986, (W0963=)
- CGC GENTIAN, 4" round, blue boom, late 1980s?, (W4065=) (courtesy of Ron Wilkins)
- CGC GENTIAN, Caribbean Support Tender, Miami, Florida, 2003-, (W3969=)
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- CGC HORNBEAM, map in ringed shield, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, before 1976, (W6363=)
- CGC HORNBEAM, cutter with flags and sailors, before 1976, (W1448=)
- CGC HORNBEAM, cap shield, Cape May, New Jersey, before 1982, (W0328=)
- CGC HORNBEAM, white hull w/square buoy, before 1984, (W0534=)
- CGC HORNBEAM, white hull w/round buoy, before 1985, (W0805)
- CGC HORNBEAM, black hull, before 1985, (W0820=)
- CGC HORNBEAM, 5", Marvin w/gold helmet, 100% embroidered, before 1982, (W0054=)
- CGC HORNBEAM, 5", Marvin w/gold helmet, 70% embroidered, before 1985, (W0797=)
- CGC HORNBEAM, 8", Marvin w/gold helmet, 40% embroidered, before 1984, (W9993=)
- CGC HORNBEAM, 5", Marvin w/yellow helmet, -1989-, (W2080=)
- CGC HORNBEAM, 5", Marvin w/2CM buoy, 1995-1999, (W2942=)
- CGC HORNBEAM, 50 Years, 1995-1999, (W2888=)
- CGC HORNBEAM, 'F', We Did The Impossible, reunion?, 2022?, (W5985=)
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- CGC IRIS, hand w/buoy, Galveston, Texas, before 1972, (W0331) (courtesy of Ron Wilkins)
- CGC IRIS, hand w/buoy, Astoria, Oregon, before 1979, (W0332=)
- CGC IRIS, long beak eagle, before 1986, (W1063=)
- CGC IRIS, short beak eagle, -1983-, (W0051=)
- CGC IRIS, short stitch clouds, 1986-, (W0895=)
- CGC IRIS, long stitch clouds, before 1989, (W2227=)
- IRIS's two clouds patches are compared here.
- CGC IRIS, cap shield, no tall antenna aft, sharp bow, late 1980s?, (W3397=)
- CGC IRIS, cap shield, tall antenna aft, rounded bow, early 1990s?, (W5008=)
- IRIS's two cap shield patches are compared here.
- CGC IRIS, cap shield, Golden Plankowner, 1994-1995, (W4016)
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- CGC IRONWOOD, masked warrior, Honolulu, Hawaii, circa 1960, (W1074=)
- CGC IRONWOOD, bear on Alaska map, Homer, Alaska, before 1974, (W0333=)
- CGC IRONWOOD, wide rectangle, Kodiak, Alaska, between 1979 and 1982, (W9990=)
- CGC IRONWOOD, shield, Adak, Alaska, -1976-, (W0334=) (courtesy of Rick Baukol)
- CGC IRONWOOD, round, Kodiak, Alaska, 1987-2000, (W1620=)
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- CGC IVY, Columbia Bar Buoy Tender, Astoria, Oregon, -1969, (W5265=)
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- CGC LAUREL, lobster on cutter, Rockland, Maine, before 1969, (W0344=)
- CGC LAUREL, buoy and life ring, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, before 1975, (W0343=)
- CGC LAUREL, eagle, Ketchikan, Alaska, before 1983, (W0345=)(courtesy of Ron Wilkins)
- CGC LAUREL, shield, before 1983, (W0742=)
- CGC LAUREL, San Pedro, California, 1980s?, (W1553) (courtesy of Ron Wilkins)
- CGC LAUREL, Mayport, Florida, -1994-, (W4044=)
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- CGC MADRONA unit patches
- CGC MADRONA, 5", 'ANTON', Charleston, South Carolina, before 1990, (W2157=)
- CGC MADRONA, 5", 'ATON', circa 1990, (W3344=)
- CGC MADRONA, 4", no 'ATON', before 2002, (W3858=)
- CGC MADRONA, 4", 'ATON', before 2002, (W3990=)
- MADRONA's four 'bridge' patches are compared here.
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- CGC MAGNOLIA, Astoria, Oregon, before 1971, (W0349=)
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- CGC MALLOW, long oval, small letters, Honolulu, Hawaii, before 1984, (W0352=)
- CGC MALLOW, round, dragon's head, -1989-, (W2067=)
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- CGC MARIPOSA unit patches
- CGC MARIPOSA, Pride of the 9th, Detroit, Michigan, -1989-, (W2084=)
- CGC MARIPOSA, 5" round, three orcas, Seattle, Washington, 2000, (W3512=)
- CGC MARIPOSA, Decommissioning Crew, 2000, (W3533=)
- WLB Conference, CGCs ACACIA, BRAMBLE, MARIPOSA, MESQUITE, SUNDEW, Saint Ignace, @1989, (W2074=)
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- Maritime Contractors I/II 180' Repower Project, 9.3", 1990-, (W9971=)
- Maritime Contractors II/II 180' Repower Project, 8.8", 1990-, (W9969=)
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- CGC MESQUITE, shield, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, before 1977, (W0358=)
- CGC MESQUITE, shield, Duluth, Minnesota, -1980-, (W0357=)
- CGC MESQUITE, scallop round, Charlevoix, Michigan, before 1982, (W0137=)
- CGC MESQUITE, sea dragon w/missions, 1986-, (W0960=)
- CGC MESQUITE, sea dragon w/dates, 1990, (W2214=)
- CGC MESQUITE, Served With Pride 1943-1989, heritage patch, 2006, (W4470=)
- WLB Conference, CGCs ACACIA, BRAMBLE, MARIPOSA, MESQUITE, SUNDEW, Saint Ignace, @1989, (W2074=)
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- CGC PAPAW, buoy w/seagull and anchor, Charleston, South Carolina, -1979-, (W6230=) (courtesy of Dr. Bart Baker)
- CGC PAPAW, buoy w/seagull and '308', before 1984, (W0380=)
- CGC PAPAW, ghost on black horse, 1961-, (W3469=)
- CGC PAPAW, unhilited green buoy '7', -1984-, (W0545=)
- CGC PAPAW, star, Galveston, Texas, before 1992, (W2626=)
- CGC PAPAW unit patches
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- CGC PLANETREE unit patches
- CGC PLANETREE, brown hull, orange buoy, Honolulu, Hawaii, before 1974, (W3363=)
- CGC PLANETREE, ice all across, vertical jackstaff, Juneau, Alaska, before 1983, (W0011=)
- CGC PLANETREE, ice all across, black boom, slant orange jackstaff, before 1983, (W0383=)
- CGC PLANETREE, green coast, orange boom, vertical gold jackstaff, before 1983, (W0809=)
- CGC PLANETREE, Coast Guard District 17, before 1984, (W0382) (courtesy of Stephen P. Prime, BMC, USCG(Ret))
- CGC PLANETREE, iceberg, Ketchican, Alaska, circa 1987, (W1014=)
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- CGC REDBUD - no Coast Guard patches known - loaned to the Navy/MSTS in 1949 - a Navy patch is known
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- CGC SAGEBRUSH, SAR, brown cliff, San Juan, Puerto Rico, before 1984, (W0055=)
- CGC SAGEBRUSH, SAR, green cliff, before 1984, (W0425=)
- CGC SAGEBRUSH, LE, brown cliff, before 1987, (W1009=)
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- CGC SALVIA, 5"x6" shield, no CG stripe, Mobile, Alabama, 1964-, (W9528=)
- CGC SALVIA, Big 'E', early 1970s?, (W4921=)
- CGC SALVIA, 4"x5" shield, CG stripe and black white buoy, before 1979, (W0059=)
- CGC SALVIA, 4"x5" shield, CG stripe and green white buoy, -1991, (W2489=)
- CGC SALVIA, 4"x5" shield, CG stripe and green white buoy, Twin Cities Maritime, fantasy, before 1994, (W2779=)
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- CGC SASSAFRAS unit patches
- CGC SASSAFRAS, black arm 401, cut edge, Cape May, New Jersey, circa 1970, (W0427=) -in Gemsco bag
- CGC SASSAFRAS, black arm 401, golden flat merrowing, before 1977, (W4242=)
- CGC SASSAFRAS, black arm 401, black merrowing, before 1977, (W5775=) - in Gemsco bag
- CGC SASSAFRAS, Mare Laboramus, machine sewn, Governors Island, New York, circa 1978, (W0428) (courtesy of Gerald Jefferson)
- CGC SASSAFRAS, 4.2" machine sewn, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1984-, (W0570=)
- CGC SASSAFRAS, 4.2" computer sewn, 1990-1994, (W2207=)
- CGC SASSAFRAS, 4" computer sewn, 1994-, (W2783=)
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- CGC SEDGE, bear w/globe, Cordova, Alaska, -1957-, (W0431=) (courtesy of Curt Raphael)
- CGC SEDGE, bear w/fish, before 1973, (W0522=)
- CGC SEDGE, small shield, cutter and Alaska map, @1964, (W0949=)
- CGC SEDGE, large shield, cutter and volcano, Homer, Alaska, -1983-, (W9504=)
- CGC SEDGE unit patches
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- CGC SORREL, Have Buoy Will Travel, Sitka, Alaska, before 1965, (W1083=)
- CGC SORREL, 60% embroidered, -1968-, (W2149=)
- CGC SORREL, 100% embroidered, -1971-1973, (W0435) (courtesy of Claude Booth)
- CGC SORREL, Governors Island, New York, before 1987, (W1638=)
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- CGC SPAR, South Portland, Maine, before 1984, (W0438=)
- CGC SPAR, 3 1/2x carapace, cut edge, before 1985, (W0808=)
- CGC SPAR, 6+x carapace, before 1987, (W1639=)
- CGC SPAR, computer sewn, -1989-, (W1334=)
- CGC SPAR ... see also under 'WLB 225s' for the 'new' SPAR
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- CGC SUNDEW unit patches
- CGC SUNDEW, neater, blockier letters, shield, Duluth, Minnesota, -1984-, (W9514=)
- WLB Conference, CGCs ACACIA, BRAMBLE, MARIPOSA, MESQUITE, SUNDEW, Saint Ignace, @1989, (W2074=)
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- CGC SWEETBRIER, bee on anchor, Juneau, Alaska, -1962-, (W3673=)
- CGC SWEETBRIER, small Bet On Us, Cordova, Alaska, 1986-, (W0865=)
- CGC SWEETBRIER, huge 8.2"h, three sector, tailing cloud, before 1984, (W9991=)
- CGC SWEETBRIER, huge 8"h, three sector, non-tailing cloud, before 1988, (W9985=)
- CGC SWEETBRIER unit patches
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- CGC SWEETGUM unit patches
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- CGC TUPELO, diamond, Ninth District, Toledo, Ohio, early 1960s, (W1394=)
- CGC TUPELO, round, SAR AtoN, before 1969, (W4003)
- CGC TUPELO, round, Astoria, Oregon, before 1975, (W0034=)
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- WLB Conference, CGCs ACACIA, BRAMBLE, MARIPOSA, MESQUITE, SUNDEW, Saint Ignace, Michigan, @1989, (W2074=)
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- CGC WOODBINE, black merrowing, Grand Haven, Michigan, before 1972, (W3937)
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- CGC WOODRUSH, square shield, Duluth, Minnesota, before 1967, (W4020) (courtesy of Ron Wilkins)
- CGC WOODRUSH, rectangle, Sitka, Alaska, -1981-, (W0480=)
- CGC WOODRUSH, 12" round w/cuttermans badge, 1986-1990, (W9954=)
- CGC WOODRUSH, 5" round w/cuttermans badge, 1986-1990, (W0869=)
- CGC WOODRUSH, orcas, 1990-2001, (W2171=)
Return to type/states table.

WLM 175' & 157' Red class and Keeper class coastal buoytenders:
- CGC ABBIE BURGESS, Coat of arms, Rockland, Maine, -2008, (W4704) (courtesy of Nancy Plunkett)
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- CGC ANTHONY PETIT, Popeye, Ketchikan, Alaska, -2006-, (W4669) (courtesy of Robert Aaron Grigsby)
- CGC ANTHONY PETIT, Scotch Cap Light, before 2024, (W6340=)
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- CGC BARBARA MABRITY, Mobile, Alabama - no patches known ...
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- CGC FRANK DREW, Portsmouth, Virginia - no patches known ...
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- CGC GEORGE COBB, coat of arms, San Pedro, California, 2002-, (W3812=)
- CGC GEORGE COBB, shark ship, 2002-, (W3807=)
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- CGC HARRY CLAIBORNE, Galveston, Texas - no patches known ...
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- CGC HENRY BLAKE, round with arcs, Everett, Washington, 2004-, (W4149=)
- CGC HENRY BLAKE, 4" round, 2007-, (W4597=)
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- CGC IDA LEWIS, Mother of All Lifesavers, Newport, Rhode Island, 1999-, (W3478=)
- CGC IDA LEWIS, coat of arms, 1997-, (W3134=)
- CGC IDA LEWIS, cutter profile w/light, 1997-, (W3149=)
- CGC IDA LEWIS, cutter u/w w/light, 1996-, (W3080=)
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- CGC JAMES RANKIN, Baltimore, Maryland, 1999-, (W3400=)
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- CGC JOSHUA APPLEBY, shield, dragon flankers, St. Petersburg, Florida, 2003-, (W4012=)
- CGC JOSHUA APPLEBY, round, Wrecking Keeper, before 2022, (W6003=)
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- CGC KATHERINE WALKER, coat of arms, Bayonne, New Jersey, 2008-, (W4689=)
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- CGC MARCUS HANNA, South Portland, Maine - no patches known ...
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- CGC MARIA BRAY, Mayport, Florida - no patches known ...
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- CGC RED BEECH, mermaid, Governors Island, New York, after 1964 or 1970s?, (W5648=)
- CGC RED BEECH, machine sewn cutter on map, smooth waves, before 1984, (W0574=)
- CGC RED BEECH, computer cutter on map, 1993-1997, (W0915=)
- CGC RED BEECH Engineering, 1993-1997, (W2689=)
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- CGC RED BIRCH, shield, San Francisco, California, or Baltimore, Maryland, before 1984, 1970s?, (W0258=)
- CGC RED BIRCH, 6" round, Baltimore, Maryland, before 1982, (W9572=)
- CGC RED BIRCH, 5" round, before 1922, (W6058=)
- -
- CGC RED CEDAR, Portsmouth, Virginia, before 1982, (W0125=)
- -
- CGC RED OAK, shield, We Do It With a Boom, Gloucester City, New Jersey, before 1984, (W0261=)
- CGC RED OAK, red leaf on map, Gloucester City, New Jersey, 1985-, (W0647=)(note erroneous 'N.Y.')
- CGC RED OAK, cutter on red leaf, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, -1991-, (W2463=)
- -
- CGC REDWOOD, arm w/buoy, New London, Connecticut, before 1984, (W0255=)
- CGC REDWOOD, First in Her Class, before 1984, (W0131=)
- CGC REDWOOD, screened, before 1985, (W0633=)
- -
- CGC WALNUT (WLM-252), San Pedro, California, before 1982, (W0467=)
- -
- CGC WILLIAM TATE, coat of arms, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2009-, (W4941=)
- -
- Project Resident Office Marinette, 3 cutters on map, Wisconsin, 2003-, (W4033)
Return to type/states table.

WLM, WLI, WLIC, and WLR, Inland and River tenders:
- CGC ANVIL, cap shield, cutter and barge on blue, Corpus Christi, Texas, 1980s?, (W5207=)
- CGC ANVIL, cap shield, Texas map on black, before 1988, (W1857=)
- CGC ANVIL, Black Bitch, 1986-, (W0896=)
- -
- CGC BAYBERRY, Seattle, Washington, 1995-, (W2893=)
- -
- CGC BLACKBERRY, man on buoy, Southport, North Carolina, 1989-1993, (W2039=)
- CGC BLACKBERRY, no man on buoy, 1993-, (W2648=)
- -
- CGC BLUEBELL, purple mountain, Portland, Oregon, 1994-, (W2791=)
- CGC BLUEBELL, red mountain, 1994-, (W2803=)
- CGC BLUEBELL, 50th Anniversary, 1998, (W2962=)
- -
- CGC BLUEBERRY, reunion?, Seattle, Washington, before 1999, (W4189=)
- -
- WLV BOSTON (WLV-189?), lightship, Boston, Massachusetts, before 1975, (W6056=)
- -
- CGC BUCKTHORN, cap shield, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, before 1986, (W0877=)
- CGC BUCKTHORN, River Rats, 1998-, (W3273=)
- CGC BUCKTHORN, Detroit turtle, 1998-, (W3265=)
- -
- CGC CHENA, rat on green can buoy, Hickman, Kentucky, circa 2010, (W5512=) (courtesy of CWO4 Vance Caskey, USCG)
- -
- CGC CHEYENNE, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1987-, (W1569=)
- -
- CGC CHIPPEWA, mounted Indian on map, Owensboro, Kentucky, 1994-, (W2857=)
- CGC CHIPPEWA, Thunderbird of the Fleet, Paris Landing, Buchanan, Tennessee, 2010-, (W5047=)
- -
- CGC CHOCK, Portsmouth, Virginia, before 1982, (W0216=)
- -
- CGC CHOKEBERRY, straight, Crisfield, Maryland, -1988-, (W1844=)
- -
- CGC CIMARRON, Tennessee River Rats, Buchanan, Tennessee, -1995-, (W2867=)
- -
- CGC CLAMP, Galveston, Texas, 2007-, (W4595=)
- -
- CGC COSMOS, cut edge, Saint Petersburg, Florida, before 1984, (W9532=)
- CGC COSMOS, merrowed edge, before 1985, (W9703=)
- -
- CGC ELDERBERRY, back, triangle, Petersburg, Alaska, 1965-, (W4263) (courtesy of Barry Trombly)
- CGC ELDERBERRY, machine sewn zigzag w/open '6', 1987-, (W1270=)
- CGC ELDERBERRY, computer sewn straight w/almost closed '6', 1987-, (W0977=)
- ELDERBERRY's two '6' patches are compared here.
- -
- CGC FIR, Mother Fir, Seattle, Washington, before 1984, (W0307=)
- CGC FIR, 'Oldist' ghost Old Man w/buoy, Seattle, Washington, before 1984, (W1184=)
- CGC FIR, 'Oldest' ghost Old Man w/buoy, before 1984, (W0174=)
- CGC FIR, full uniform Old Man w/buoy, 1989-, (W2000=)
- -
- CGC GASCONADE, red buoy, Omaha, Nebraska, 1995-1999, (W2980=)
- CGC GASCONADE, green buoy, 2000-, (W3522=)
- -
- CGC GREENBRIER, Natchez, Mississippi, 1997-, (W3183=)
- -
- CGC HAMMER, cutter on stripe, Mayport, Florida, 2005?, (W4541=)
- CGC HAMMER, twisted dayboards, 2006-, (W4471=)
- -
- CGC HOLLYHOCK, WLM-220, Miami, Florida, before 1982, (W0327=)
- -
- CGC JUNIPER (WLM-224), St. Petersburg, Florida, before 1975, (W0337=)
- -
- CGC KANAWHA, 5" shield, ANFAC Memphis, Tennessee, 1976-, (W0339)
- CGC KANAWHA, 3.2" shield, ANFAC Memphis, 1976-, (W0832=)
- CGC KANAWHA, round, ANFAC Memphis, 1985-, (W2115=)
- CGC KANAWHA, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, -1993-, (W2695=)
- CGC KANAWHA, Poppin' Pins Since '69, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, 2008-, (W4667=)
- -
- CGC KANKAHEE - no patches known ...
- -
- CGC KENNEBEC, Portsmouth, Virginia, -1982-, (W0123=)
- -
- CGC KICKAPOO - no patches known ...
- -
- CGC LANTANA, catfish cap shield, Hickman, Kentucky, and/or Natchez, Mississippi, 1980s?, (W5378=)
- -
- CGC MUSKINGUM, Duck with buoy, shield, Brunswick, Missouri, before 1973, (W5341=)
- CGC MUSKINGUM, map, WLR, white merrowing, Sallisaw, Oklahoma, 1991-1998, (W2482=)
- CGC MUSKINGUM, map, WLM, black merrowing, 1998-, (W3263=)
- CGC MUSKINGUM, Indian shield, 2010-, (W4986=)
- -
- CGC OBION, round, alligator, Memphis, Tennessee, mid-1970s?, (W6214=)
- CGC OBION, round, Northern Relief Vessel of the Western Rivers, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1988-, (W9605=)
- CGC OBION, cap shield, Owensboro, Kentucky, before 2017, (W5706=)
- -
- CGC OSAGE, ATON, cutter with buoys, Sewickley, Pennsylvania, 1989-, (W1219=)
- CGC OSAGE, River Rats, before 2019, (W5757=)
- -
- CGC OUCHITA - no patches known ...
- -
- CGC PAMLICO, cutter with eagle motif, New Orleans, Louisiana, before 1985, (W3980=)
- CGC PAMLICO, Bayou Builders at bottom, 1987-, (W0985=)
- CGC PAMLICO, Bayou Builders near top, 1995-, (W2938=)
- -
- CGC PATOKA, Donald Duck, Greenville, Mississippi, 1986-1990, (W0884=)
- CGC PATOKA, River Rats, 1990-, (W2289=)
- -
- CGC PRIMROSE, octopus, Curtis Bay, Maryland, early 1970s, (W5220=)
- CGC PRIMROSE, 55 Years, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, 1999, (W3452=) Her last patch.
- -
- CGC RAMBLER, green letters, Charleston, South Carolina, before 1984, (W0418=)
- CGC RAMBLER, red letters, before 1983, (W0885=)
- CGC RAMBLER, pile structure, 1986-, (W0871=)
- -
- CGC SAGINAW - no patches known ...
- -
- CGC SANGAMON, Peoria, Illinois, before 1990, (W4191=)
- -
- CGC SCIOTO - no patches known ...
- -
- CGC SLEDGE, Baltimore, Maryland, 1997-, (W3208=)
- Aids to Navigation Team SLEDGE, lighthouse, @1995?, (W5377=)
- -
- CGC SMILAX, Brunswick, Georgia, 1991-, (W2332=)
- CGC SMILAX, mermaid, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, 2000-, (W3545=)
- CGC SMILAX, Queen of the Fleet, 2013-, (W5314=)
- -
- CGC SUMAC, round, Keokuk, Iowa, -1975-, (W4319) (courtesy of Jeff McKinney)
- CGC SUMAC, nude witch, Saint Louis, Missouri, 1990-1999, (W9643=)
- CGC SUMAC, clothed witch, 1999, (W3430=) Her last patch.
- -
- CGC SYCAMORE (WLR-268), River Rats, Sewickley, Pennsylvania, before 1977, (W6131=)
- -
- CGC WHITE BUSH, Astoria, Oregon, -1983-1985, (W0024=)
- -
- CGC WHITE HEATH, 5" round, Boston, Massachusetts, 1984-, (W0642=) : reproduction, 4" round, 2017-, (W0642xA=)
- CGC WHITE HEATH, rectangle, -1995-, (W2876=)
- -
- CGC WHITE HOLLY, donkey star, Ketchikan, Alaska, late 1950s?, (W4109)
- CGC WHITE HOLLY, red/blue round, Ketchikan, Alaska, early 1960s?, (W9688=) (courtesy of John Biberdorf)
- CGC WHITE HOLLY, red/white round, before 1972, (W9614=) (courtesy of Darryl Barfield)
- CGC WHITE HOLLY, machine sewn, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1985-1989, (W0751=)
- CGC WHITE HOLLY, computer sewn, 1989-, (W2057=)
- -
- CGC WHITE LUPINE, Hate To Waste A Day, Rockland, Maine, before 1985, (W0839=)
- CGC WHITE LUPINE, The Best Never Rest, -1995-, (W2866=)
- -
- CGC WHITE PINE, Mobile, Alabama, 1995-, (W2940=)
- -
- CGC WHITE SAGE, cutter w/lighthouse buoy, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, before 1984, (W0475=)
- CGC WHITE SAGE, Garfield 'Cat Rowered', before 1988, (W1778=)
- CGC WHITE SAGE, Garfield 'Cat Powered', circa 1985?, (W2205=) (courtesy of Bill Collette)
- CGC WHITE SAGE, cap shield, before 1984, (W0474=)
- CGC WHITE SAGE, Bristol, Rhode Island, mermaid, 1994-, (W2812=)
- CGC WHITE SAGE, Bassett's Floating Schoolhouse, map on shell, Nantucket, Massachusetts, 1995?, (W5213=)
- CGC WHITE SAGE, Bassett's Floating Schoolhouse, sunset, 1996, (W3059=)
- -
- CGC WHITE SUMAC, SAR, ELT, ATON, Saint Petersburg, Florida, before 1984, (W0476=)
- -
- CGC WYACONDA, Dubuque, Iowa, 1995-, (W2892=)
Return to type/states table.

WYTMs, WYTLs and WTGBs, Bay class and Tool class harbor tugs:
- CGC ARUNDEL, Chicago, Illinois, before 1979, (W0250=)
- -
- CGC APALACHEE, computer sewn, South Portland, Maine, 1987-, (W0990=)
- -
- CGC AXE - patch known, but no image available ...
- -
- CGC BISCAYNE BAY, white cutter under bridge, Sentinel of the Straits, Saint Ignace, Michigan, 1994-, (W0225=)
- CGC BISCAYNE BAY, hull form, Sentinel of the Straits, 1994-, (W2768=)
- CGC BISCAYNE BAY, black cutter centered under bridge, large neat Sentinel of the Straits, -2008-, (W4662=)
- -
- CGC BOLLARD, smiling sun, New Haven, CT, before 1989, (W0791=)
- -
- CGC BRIDLE, shield, Southwest Harbor, Maine, 1970s?, (W5203=)
- -
- CGC BRISTOL BAY, Bust'n Motown Bound, Detroit, Michigan, before 1984, (W0224=)
- CGC BRISTOL BAY, Second To None, -1984-, (W0222=)
- CGC BRISTOL BAY, With or Without, 1993-, (W2659=)
- CGC BRISTOL BAY, and Barge 12001, Workhorse of the Lakes, before 2016, (W5527=)
- -
- CGC CAPSTAN - no patches known ...
- -
- CGC CATENARY, machine sewn, Gloucester City, New Jersey, -1985-, (W0636=)
- CGC CATENARY, computer sewn, -1989-1992?, (W1994=)
- CGC CATENARY, computer sewn, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, -1993-, (W2696=)
- -
- CGC CHINOOK, '1', Curtis Bay, Baltimore, Maryland, -1978-1980-, (W0219=) (courtesy of Michael Kellum)
- -
- CGC CLEAT, WTL error, Gloucester City, New Jersey, 1982, (W0203=)
- CGC CLEAT, WYTL, 1982-1989-, (W1993=) (courtesy of Alan Nelson, MKCS, USCGR(Ret))
- CGC CLEAT, 65' of Pride, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, -1993-, (W2697=)
- CGC CLEAT, 3" merrowed round, CUSTOS, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2017-, (W5751=)
- CGC CLEAT, 4" laser cut chain, CUSTOS, before 2022, (W6052=)
- -
- CGC HATCHET, Galveston, Texas, 1993-, (W2718=)
- -
- CGC HAWSER, white masts, Governors Island, New York, before 1987, (W1007=)
- CGC HAWSER, orange masts, before 1982, (W0326=)
- CGC HAWSER, Bayonne, New Jersey, -2000-, (W3489=)
- -
- CGC KATMAI BAY, large WTGB, Plank Owner, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, 1979, (W9716=)
- CGC KATMAI BAY, large WTGB, before 1982, (W9539=)
- CGC KATMAI BAY, Ice Busters, 1987-, (W0981=)
- CGC KATMAI BAY, 2000-, (W3560=)
- -
- CGC KAW (WYTM-61), Cleveland, Ohio, before 1979, (W0340=)
- -
- CGC LINE, shield, New York City, New York, before 1984, (W0257=)
- CGC LINE, Slow But Steady, Bayonne, New Jersey, 2004-, (W4238=)
- -
- CGC MANITOU (WYTM-60), Slow But Steady, New York, New York, 1970s, (W4971=)
- -
- CGC MALLET, cap shield, Corpus Christi, Texas, 1987?-, (W5202=)
- -
- CGC MAHONING, large, New York City, New York, before 1984, (W9510=)
- -
- CGC MOBILE BAY, 'USCGG', 4", two lettered lines under cutter, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, before 1984, (W0547=)
- CGC MOBILE BAY, 'USCGC', 4.1", two lettered lines under cutter, 1980s?, (W4187=)
- CGC MOBILE BAY, 'USCGC', 4.1", three lettered lines under cutter, 1980s?, (W0365=)
- -
- CGC MOHICAN, Portsmouth, Virginia, before 1984, (W0362=)
- -
- CGC MORRO BAY, blue cloth, Yorktown, Virginia, before 1982, (W0109=)
- CGC MORRO BAY, aqua blue cloth, -1988-, (W1892=)
- CGC MORRO BAY, cutter at New London, Connecticut - Connecticut Rivers Council, BSA 2013 National Jamboree, 2013, (W5584=)
- CGC MORRO BAY, 4" round, screened, Cleveland, Ohio, 2014-, (W6287=)
- -
- CGC NEAH BAY, Taz, Cleveland, Ohio, 1989-, (W2051=)
- CGC NEAH BAY, round, red border, 1995-, (W2975=)
- CGC NEAH BAY, round, blue border, -2010-, (W5063=) (courtesy of LCDR William Woityra)
- -
- CGC OJIBWAY, Yorktown, Virginia, before 1982, (W0105=)
- -
- CGC PENDANT, Boston, Massacusetts, before 1986, (W0941=)
- -
- CGC PENOBSCOT BAY, dark green Statue of Liberty, red merrowing, Governors Island, New York, early 1980s?, (W6317=)
- CGC PENOBSCOT BAY, light green Statue of Liberty, red merrowing, 1986-, (W0899=)
- CGC PENOBSCOT BAY, Statue of Liberty, cut edge, rope outer ring, Bayonne, New Jersey, 2008-, (W4694=)
- CGC PENOBSCOT BAY, cutter in ice, screened, before 2024, (W6323=)
- -
- CGC RARITAN, New York City, New York, 1986-1988, (W0849=)
- -
- CGC SAUK, Governors Island, New York, before 1984, (W0429=)
- -
- CGC SHACKLE, South Portland, Maine, 1995-, (W2928=)
- -
- CGC SNOHOMISH, Indian head, Rockland, Maine, 1970s?, (W0434=)
- CGC SNOHOMISH, black hull, -1981-, (W1098=)
- CGC SNOHOMISH, white hull, before 1986, (W1932=)
- -
- CGC SPIKE, bulldog, Mayport, Florida, 1985-, (W0730=)
- -
- CGC STURGEON BAY, fish in ice, New York City, New York, before 1988, (W1752=)
- CGC STURGEON BAY, skyline, 1993-, (W2705=)
- -
- CGC SWIVEL, 5" Popeye, 'WTL' error, Rockland, Maine, before 1989, (W2429=)
- CGC SWIVEL, 5" Popeye, 'WYTL' corrected, before 1989, (W5955=)
- SWIVEL's two '5' patches are compared here.
- CGC SWIVEL, 4" Popeye, -1990-, (W2237=)
- -
- CGC TACKLE, Crisfield, Maryland, -1988-, (W1840=)
- -
- CGC THUNDER BAY, round, Rockland, Maine, -1990-, (W2293=)
- CGC THUNDER BAY, state shape, 1997-, (W3213=)
- -
- CGC TOWLINE, Final Tour, Bristol, Rhode Island, 1996, (W2986=)
- -
- CGC VISE, 2", Saint Petersburg, Florida, before 1989, (W2013=)
- CGC VISE, 3.5", loose pants, before 1984, (W0466=)
- CGC VISE, 3.5", tight pants, before 1989, (W2042=)
- -
- CGC WEDGE - patch known, but no image available ...
- -
- CGC WIRE, Harbor Wolf, New York City, New York, 1985-1988, (W0817=)
- CGC WIRE, Garfield, 1988-, (W1681=)
- CGC WIRE, Top Tug, before 1992, (W4192=)
- -
- CGC YANKTON, cutter with arms, South Portland, Maine, before 1984, (W0114=)
Lightships and KUKUI, NETTLE:
- WLV 604, Columbia River lightship museum, Astoria, Oregon, 1985-, (W1183=)
- Columbia Lightship, 7" round, before 1979, (W9995=)
- Columbia Lightship, 5" round with small chain border, before 1979, (W0620=)
- Columbia Lightship, 5" round with large chain border, museum ship patch, 1996-, (W3123=)
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- CGC KUKUI, small seahorse shield, Honolulu, Hawaii, about 1970, (W1575=)
- CGC KUKUI, large seahorse, about 1970, (W0948=)
- CGC KUKUI, Construction Division, bulldozer, about 1970, (W0935=)
- CGC KUKUI, morale, book motif, about 1970, (W0970=)
- -
- CGC NANTUCKET (WLV-612), lightship, Boston, Massachusetts, between 1975 and 1985, (W0372=)
- CGC NANTUCKET-1 (WLV-612), NANTUCKET-2 (WLV-613), Last of Their Breed, Boston, Massachusetts, 1980s?, (W1406=)
- -
- [CGC NETTLE], lighter graphic, Sub Unum Et Supra Duo, Sangley Point, Philippines, before 1968, (courtesy of Jim Clifton, LCDR, USCG(Ret))
Return to type/states table.

That's All, Folks ... so far!
Page created by: wwesslin@ix.netcom.com
Rex M. Wessling
15706 NE 56th Way
Redmond, Washington
Copyright © 1998-2024